Just pre-ordered it. Can't wait to play with you guys as I loved the original gw and hope youre all decent players so we can rape shit together.
Back for good.
Originally Posted by Fivah View Post
Just pre-ordered it. Can't wait to play with you guys as I loved the original gw and hope youre all decent players so we can rape shit together.

I'm most likely going to be semi-new, mainly because the last time i played gw was when I was 13. But if I do say so myself I was quite the dervish.
Originally Posted by Fivah View Post
Just pre-ordered it. Can't wait to play with you guys as I loved the original gw and hope youre all decent players so we can rape shit together.

I'll kill you there ;)
We can create a clan there with some tb players and other gamers ofc.
Also, "Countdown to the Next Beta Weekend Event: 3 days 05 h 59m 50s"
Can't wait for Guild Wars 2!! Ive been pre - ordering it for years.... They Keep changing the release date ( IM fine with, they making the game even better )
Human Hunter ftw!
Also if anyone wants to add me as friend add me: Leggolas

I created a irc channel #GW2
Last edited by Tryton; Apr 30, 2012 at 12:10 AM.
legolas has one less g than how you spelt it, and he was an elf, and he was epic.
and im not sure but I dont think you can add people in different worlds. I can't decide whether to make my account on a high pop world or a low one in the full game. Because when i see alot of people it gets semi laggy. but i think its something i can deal with for shorter queue times and events being easier.
also ive turned the graphics all the way down (which is still pretty high) and its still not as smooth as i want (~80fps) anyone know if they're adding more of those options in the full release?