Originally Posted by Kido View Post
btw how do you get t4 keys?

Ceres, Draco. It's an interception mission (like defence) and they are rewards there.

There are more places if I remember correctly, but that's where I go to get them.
How do I even use my Saryn properly.
I have my lovely Ash and Rhino Prime and then I have that level 7 Saryn that I leave to gather dust..
Mean while I have a kubrow that's hatching; I have another egg waiting to go in straight after him. I think I can use the genetic doohickeys to get genocode for his stripes hopefully, then get the genocode from my friend.

Went on my bike whilst the egg hatched

Came back and day care said it was a rare

I'm going to be a professional poke-- kubrow trainer!

It's a Huras
Haven't made a proper build on my rhino when i had it, but i can imagine you should focus on being a near-immortal tank (iron skin). Aside from that, you can build it however you like that fits best with your style of play. The other abilities it has can also be put to good use, same with every other frame.
But why's the rum gone? :v
Originally Posted by Kido View Post
i just got rhino, how do i build him?

not sure on how lol

Do you solo?

If so, health shield armor and iron skin. Even more health is good too.

If you group up, power strength and duration for roar for defense missions.

Thats what I do at least.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Well Warframe is coming to xbox one tomorrow. I wonder if it's going to be on par with ps4 and how long would it take or an account migration. I hope not as long as ps4. Hopefully microsoft aren't going to be dicks about , I'd hate to lose 2 and a half years of progress

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Hi, not sure if I'll get infracted for this, but would anyone like to join my clan on waframe?
Minecraft is full of autistic 8 year olds -Goat 2015
I just built Nova, and i'm currently using the Cybaris as my primary. However, I have no clue which secondary to get. I've thought about Lux Prime, but it almost seems too similar to my Cybaris. I'd get the hand shotguns, but as Nova I never find myself close-up with the enemies. What do you guys think?
Originally Posted by Laser View Post
I just built Nova, and i'm currently using the Cybaris as my primary. However, I have no clue which secondary to get. I've thought about Lux Prime, but it almost seems too similar to my Cybaris. I'd get the hand shotguns, but as Nova I never find myself close-up with the enemies. What do you guys think?

Realistically you'll use your primary more than your secondary, so you're better off focusing on maxing your primaries potential.

Though if you want one regardless I'd recommend the Marelok, it's one of the top secondaries atm. It's got long range and enough power to handle close-up situations.