me neither. I have never seen my fursona drawn other than the shitty drawing i made
<insert (something) here>
I've had one gift art done of me from a good friend. That's all, though. :P
The Only Light in the Void of Sorrow is the Eternal Darkness That Surounds Your Every Being.

My Furaffinity Yeah, yeah, I'm a furry, so wha'? Don't like it? Good for you t(^_^t)
Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
I've had one gift art done of me from a good friend. That's all, though. :P

I have 2 commissions in progress, but stupid FA is down so i have no idea how those are coming along :/
<insert (something) here>
Lucky you and money. :/
The Only Light in the Void of Sorrow is the Eternal Darkness That Surounds Your Every Being.

My Furaffinity Yeah, yeah, I'm a furry, so wha'? Don't like it? Good for you t(^_^t)
Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
Lucky you and money. :/


oh big wuff 5 dollar commission it was

(YEAH thats the 5 dollars i was gonna spend on you)

the second one, was payed for by my mate :3

she did it before we were even mates :3
<insert (something) here>
what is a commishion and why do you have to pay for it?

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
Lucky you and your money, Blind.

you have to use Furaffinity, terty. Jesus, you NEED to make an account.

And you just give them details of your fursona, pay them the money (normally through Paypal) and wait.
The Only Light in the Void of Sorrow is the Eternal Darkness That Surounds Your Every Being.

My Furaffinity Yeah, yeah, I'm a furry, so wha'? Don't like it? Good for you t(^_^t)
Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
Lucky you and your money, Blind.

you have to use Furaffinity, terty. Jesus, you NEED to make an account.

And you just give them details of your fursona, pay them the money (normally through Paypal) and wait.

LOL cataclysm, my money comes from my dad, and his furniture business.

LOL i love the way you put that. its like burger king, except you dont know exactly what you are getting, and you have to wait a longer while.

a commission is when you pay someone to make art for you. plain and simple :P
<insert (something) here>
oh, I really cant go to anything furry becuase the computer is in the living room and I dont want my parents to find out.

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
Well you should share, Blind. :P

And oh wah, Terty. :P

The sooner you let them know the better.
The Only Light in the Void of Sorrow is the Eternal Darkness That Surounds Your Every Being.

My Furaffinity Yeah, yeah, I'm a furry, so wha'? Don't like it? Good for you t(^_^t)