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Favorite Silly Mod
WHat is your favorite silly mod and why?
Mine is gravycopters I can spend hours throwing a ball that has glitchy physics around all day long.
The concept is really cool, and it makes for an enjoyable time when your bored and want to play TB with friends.

In between the two of you is a spinning bag that you have to grab on to and sometimes your arms get ripped off and you go flying. Truly my favorite mod.
Jesucopter, definitely. I always found it so fun trying to latch onto them and attacking them until they let go and it's a battle to be on top of one another.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
testemu_v3.tbm i believe it's called. You gotta switch around the rules a bit (mainly tf and put on dq) but it's gr8. Fred used to always host in his etourneys
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