I think many parents strike their children out of a lack of being able to relive their stress somewhere else. When you keep frustration bottled inside you about other things, you tend to take it out on other people, more often people that you care about. Also, many adults who hit their kids where probably hit or whipped as a child (My mother knew kids who were whipped at her age.)

Getting a smack every once in a while is ok, but only if you do something really bad or stupid on purpose (Like key-scratching the symbol "8=>" into your teacher's car or punching a hole in your wall because you were forced to eat healthy crap food or something). Anything on accident should only recieve verbal discipline or warning or a talk-to (Which was what I recieved when I did something on accident as a kid).

The difference among people with this issue is where they draw the line between physical discipline and child abuse.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Feb 10, 2010 at 11:58 PM.
Originally Posted by Addicter View Post
First we broadcast such "child-unfriendly" comercials and then we wonder why the birth-rate is decreasing (made me laugh anyway...)

What a mad world...

I hope the birth-rate continues to decrease. Space is a huge issue and we should be stopping dickheads from breeding.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Discipline is necessary. Verbal discipline is not always adequate.

I don't care what the hippies say - I want my child to stay in line when out in society, not being in jail when they are 18, thanks.

If you take behaviourist theory, you will see that physical discipline is a punisher, rather than negative reeinforcement. There are certainly better ways to "correct" child behaviour (Negative reinforcement), but neither behaviourism or I think that punishers should never be used. Sometimes you need to use a punisher.

Should you smack someone elses kids? Nope!

So what you're saying is if I don't hit my children they will end up in prison? I would be far worried about it working out the opposite way around, if you want to talk about extremes of a situation.

I can see, your point, but I still disagree, there is enough alternatives for it to be avoided, completely. I guess it's just a matter of opinion.
I'm ok with it because it does work (most of the time) it only when parent get out of hand and use unreasonable force or use other shit to hit their kids.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
So what you're saying is if I don't hit my children they will end up in prison? I would be far worried about it working out the opposite way around, if you want to talk about extremes of a situation.

I can see, your point, but I still disagree, there is enough alternatives for it to be avoided, completely. I guess it's just a matter of opinion.

Part of it is a learning experience as well.

If you do not teach your child about physical as well as mental consequences (i.e. being spanked vs "time out"). If your child goes out into the real world assuming that time-outs are the most severe punishments are "timeouts", he's in for a rude awakening when a bunch of skinheads beat him to a pulp.

Regarding people who beat their children excessively; they should go to jail.

Personally, I would use the bump system (a system of "bumps" where you make students aware of their actions (mostly through reinforcers until very high stages of bump - I think the highest actually); its a teaching technique really, but it's essentially discipline and applicable to your own child.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Generally I'm against it, but there's no single approach that works for every kid.
Some parents tend to forget the whole point and beat their kids as a form of retribution rather than corrective measure. In my ideal world, i think physical punishment should only be used in case the kid does something intentionally and contrary to your warnings (eg, not break a vase by accident). Maybe even use 3 strikes system.


Hmm, glad this discussion took off.

BTW, Odlov, Ive totally seen shit like this in supermarkets. When it was with a black woman, she beat the shit out of the kid. The white mom just ran out of the store with the kid, the cop chased her because he thought she was kidnapping the kid. :P
I used to get beat with the belt, fly swatter, paddle, Hard plastic draining spoon, and wooden stirring spoon

I'm all for diciplining your children but not anything worse then a spanking by the hand
Last edited by tertywerty; Feb 11, 2010 at 12:29 AM.

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
If there is no corner to put them in, then its two to the rear.., No more, no less. Thats after i voice my discontent three times.

Growing up as a kid i was beat. I will never beat my kids. But i will never spoil them or just scream at them either. Yelling never works. Kids will learn how to ignore you quickly unless you haave something more severe, like groundation, a corner, or a hand.

I will never use abelt or anything because like i said before. I was beat. Using a weapon on a child of any age is overkill in the first place.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
If your child goes out into the real world assuming that time-outs are the most severe punishments are "timeouts", he's in for a rude awakening when a bunch of skinheads beat him to a pulp.

Absolutely not. He would have to have to be a complete moron with zero common sense for this situation to occur.

Also for the record, I forgot to put in my first post that physical punishment is necessary if you've got a really bad seed on your hands, I just completely forgot to mention that. (Didn't want to seem like a bandwagoner or a hypocrite and edit it in after everyone said it.)
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I believe in some cases it is necessary to use physical force. Talking to the child may not get through to him/her enough and hitting may get the message through not only that, but may you have certainty it will not happen again. Also talk to them on why you hit them that may help. They may not want to do anything against your rules again.
Last edited by T0ribush; Feb 11, 2010 at 07:06 AM.