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[WAPOW] Recruitment changes
Now, there has been no changes to recruitment yet. But there are gonna be in the near future!
Since WAPOW isn't led by dictators (Belive it or not lolol) I figured I'd give you a chance to put your word out there.

Now, changes to recruitment is really needed to filter the poor applicants away.
You will help decide that by writing in this thread.
Last edited by Swepples; Sep 28, 2016 at 01:21 AM. Reason: I can't spell
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
A shame there is no way to force "foreign" people to post something that needs to be X characters long.

That would filter lazy apps and let people know that they need to work more on what they wrote in case it's too short.
Maybe there are some sort of sites that could help us out with that if my idea would be a thing for you.
I know i'm a fucking scrub genius!

I'm going to say that honestly it should all be free form no template. I think it should include Atleast 3 good reasons why they deserve to be in wapow. (Weed out the people who clan hop) and should be atleast a 2nd Dan, most of the black belts lately vanish.
I believe we should make Mike a clan Recruiter 😁 I'd do such a. Good job no one would get in
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
I don't think that there are many original reasons why someone would join a clan in Toribash but i agree to the higher belt requirement, it'll work quite well with Dan 2-3 in my opinion.

Not sure about Miku-chan in the Council, but it's not up to me anyways i'm just a smelly shit that would never get a chance.

*cries quietly*
Last edited by Nikos; Sep 27, 2016 at 09:02 PM.
Twas joking. There wouldn't need to be. hence me saying no one would get in because I wouldn't let any one in
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post
A shame there is no way to force "foreign" people to post something that needs to be X characters long.

That would filter lazy apps and let people know that they need to work more on what they wrote in case it's too short.
Maybe there are some sort of sites that could help us out with that if my idea would be a thing for you.
I know i'm a fucking scrub genius!

Actually a good idea. Gonna apply something like this when I rework the OP in the recruitment thread!

Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post
I'm going to say that honestly it should all be free form no template. I think it should include Atleast 3 good reasons why they deserve to be in wapow. (Weed out the people who clan hop) and should be atleast a 2nd Dan, most of the black belts lately vanish.
I believe we should make Mike a clan Recruiter �� I'd do such a. Good job no one would get in

Free form is highly suggested, but should we force it? Since we deny anyone who doesn't write an app free form we might as well do that. Good point.

Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post
I don't think that there are many original reasons why someone would join a clan in Toribash but i agree to the higher belt requirement, it'll work quite well with Dan 2-3 in my opinion.

Not sure about Miku-chan in the Council, but it's not up to me anyways i'm just a smelly shit that would never get a chance.

*cries quietly*
Tough love <3

About the 2nd-3rd dan requirement, idk about that. Our latest member, Skeez88, is just a black belt. But he's great to talk to in the voice-chat etc. I think that reworking the rules of the trial-membership to make sure that they are active and taking part in our community would be a better idea. Good points, but I never believed in qi personally.

In one of the surveys someone wrote "AGE LIMIT". What does something like 15 sound like?
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Hmmm 15.... I wouldn't really mind ages as long as they're not squeaky asf and immature. If the age limit is however put down maybe 14ish?
A good idea I came up with is to have someone, or just the Council in general, filter through apps then when a good enough app comes along we make a survey for all the wapew members to vote on whether or not that player gets in.
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
Well I mean that's true we don't want another crow XD jk. But 15 sounds good to me
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
About the 2nd-3rd dan requirement, idk about that. Our latest member, Skeez88, is just a black belt. But he's great to talk to in the voice-chat etc.

Well, there have been always exceptions, just as a bad app doesn't always mean that someone is bad too.
Same goes to age, just because someone is 20 years old it doesn't mean he has to be mature and deep voice.
So yeah, if we don't believe in Qi=Skill we shouldn't believe in Age=Mature either because they are the same.

Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
someone wrote "AGE LIMIT".


... PAH, pathetic.
But if we want to rework the requirements that way, i'd say Dan 2 and 15 years.
Balanced and round, i'd like it.

Last edited by Nikos; Sep 28, 2016 at 03:21 PM.