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"The setting of my mind" - pixel art experiment
shook came up with this cool idea of drawing "how the fictional world in my noggin is put together", in his own words.

it's basically drawing different planes of the universe (i.e. heaven and hell) and describing what goes on there.
it's a really cool concept, and if you want to try it, i'll add yours to the list





also you know i should've asked shook for permission to post it here but you know maybe i should just do it anyway

decisions decisions
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I'm gonna make one!
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WHAT THE FUCK HOW DARE YOU POahaha i'm just kidding, cool stuff bro. I like how Earth is actually one of the better places to be, and how much it sucks to be in Hiatus.
Speaking strictly in terms of art, then Heaven is very nice. Great details, great lighting, overall very pleasing to look at. The others kind of pale a bit next to it, but they all convey your ideas nicely.

Also, i encourage others to try this. It's very fun to do, and chances are that you do have a world inside your noggin. Doesn't matter if you can draw or not, i'm curious to see it.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
WHAT THE FUCK HOW DARE YOU POahaha i'm just kidding, cool stuff bro. I like how Earth is actually one of the better places to be, and how much it sucks to be in Hiatus.
Speaking strictly in terms of art, then Heaven is very nice. Great details, great lighting, overall very pleasing to look at. The others kind of pale a bit next to it, but they all convey your ideas nicely.

Also, i encourage others to try this. It's very fun to do, and chances are that you do have a world inside your noggin. Doesn't matter if you can draw or not, i'm curious to see it.

omagawd sbook im so sry

on a more serious note, i can't stress enough that all credit goes to shook for his wonderful idea and such

he was my inspiration to start pixel art ^^
pennis and also dicke and balls