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Is Islam a violent religion that needs to be avoided?
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
You see Mocucha, how many times has someone talked shit to you? I'm going to guess quite a lot. How many of them did you shoot? Gonna go on a wild hunch and say none.

Just because someone is thin skinned doesn't justify actions they've taken.
If they didn't kill 12 people because of what Charlie Hebdo illustrated what else could it be? I see no other motives other than a satiric cartoon or because they wanted to prove a point.

Both seem pointless to me and considered killing an innocent person which stands against the religion they were 'supposedly' fighting for.

In the Qu'ran there is also this term called Jihad and it also says killing is justifiable based on circumstance, for example killing a non islamic person aka a non believer in Allah is justifiable according to the Qu'ran

Originally Posted by Mujihad Definition
A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujahideen. The word jihad appears frequently in the Quran,[1][2] often in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[3][4][5]

Originally Posted by Jihad
Contemporary fundamentalists were often influenced by jurist Ibn Taymiyya's, and journalist Sayyid Qutb's, ideas on jihad. Ibn Taymiyya hallmark themes included

the permissibility of overthrowing a ruler who is classified as an unbeliever due to a failure to adhere to Islamic law,
the absolute division of the world into dar al-kufr and dar al-Islam,
the labeling of anyone not adhering to one's particular interpretation of Islam as an unbeliever, and
the call for blanket warfare against non-Muslims, particularly Jews and Christians.[76]

Before quoting things you should look deeper into the religion to fully understand the depth of it.

No they are not opposing there religion , they are following it.

The reason for this is that we can't all be one religion, then we lose diversity and are no longer humans.

Religion is dumb, it's not natural. Bugs don't pray to god every night and hope for a next day, they just live.
Last edited by Velair; Jan 10, 2015 at 02:06 AM.
damn im gettin old