Original Post
[Shop] Art d'Avwave

Its nearing Christmas and the company I'm working for has double hustled to release our stuff for the coming Holidays.... All requests are on hold (cept for those nearing completion) This alarming text will disappear and the shop will continue on. Thanks for your patronage

  • Have a need for a group picture?
  • Want a wallpaper?
  • Want to show off your textures if only toribash had raytracing?
  • Have no idea what raytracing is?
  • Want to splurge your TC's (hard earned or otherwise)

Enter the gallery of avwave.

This recluse artist who lives in a dank cave in upper Uzbekistan, has finally reached out of his rock to offer his unique brand of artistry to the Toribash community... after a long shower and a decontamination by the TB Hazmat Team... he may have gone a bit moldy and smells as dank as the cave he lived in, he smelled like a thousand wet dogs when he showed his portfolio.

Avwave has released quite a few of his pieces over the months. Most recently these three pictures.

These are but a few of his pieces, which loosens the jaws and bowels of those who first gazed upon them.

Now, for a limited time and for a base price of 5000 TC (negotiable) you can own a customized portrait or group picture in any size, from avatar sized to HD wallpaper size. Just send avwave a PM for requests.

Estimated time of completion is based on complexity. Art takes time to ferment and taste respectable as they say.


Cindermomo (x2)
Last edited by avwave; Oct 20, 2008 at 10:37 AM.
Ah, nice job Avwave.

How much would a clan picture cost?
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Epic Shop

Really Epic :o)

Good luck with your shop, and when i get my new textures,mabye i request a wallpaper, but we'll see

Nice Wallpapers^^
Awesome. I might be PMing you a request for [NO] soon. :P

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
That looks omg omg omg omg whats the word.............................Awesome
and btw sent request in pm
Gay for warbanana
Gay for Killer20
requestion wallpaper!

Me rave with mah monster hunter goodness azureite force holding a great or long sword from MH ;3

insparation for swords great sword long sword
just in any env. weither it be a forest or just black backround
Hope you all can wait for a bit... I have a lot of things in addition to do with these pics you see =)

but no worries, they will get delivered!

**picks up brushes**
