Original Post
Has this ever happened to you?
This probably only happened to me me, but have you ever just wanted to decap your friend or sibling because of the awesomeness of this game? This game is pretty addictive.. I scream DECAP when I imagine myself kicking my brothers head off xD and then he goes: What are you doing?
P.S. Is this in the right section?
Last edited by TerryBash; Jun 3, 2011 at 11:09 PM.
Mother of mercy, how long has it been since they added helmets to PC?

Originally Posted by Sunny View Post
you probably have a mental problem. I would recommend seeing a doctor.

;-; I don't have a mental problem. It's just that this game is addictive. D: How could you think I have a mental problem?
Mother of mercy, how long has it been since they added helmets to PC?

Originally Posted by TerryBash View Post
;-; I don't have a mental problem. It's just that this game is addictive. D: How could you think I have a mental problem?

He means your brain doesn't distinct toribash from the real world.
Same thing happens to me with COD and MC at night, but those are first person.
Try playing it less, that's all i can say.
ah the joy of being a kid

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
Originally Posted by TerryBash View Post
This probably only happened to me me, but have you ever just wanted to decap your friend or sibling because of the awesomeness of this game? This game is pretty addictive.. I scream DECAP when I imagine myself kicking my brothers head off xD and then he goes: What are you doing?
P.S. Is this in the right section?

Why did you sign your post?
Also no, go get therapy.

I thought I played too many video games.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I prefer to stare my grandmother in the eyes....I show her my stern, serious, deadly face. As I incite a gut wrenching fear, I scream.."THE MADMAN IS A COMING!!"
Your obsessed and apparently have played too much Toribash.
I remember once I played Black Ops for a really long time and a few days later I saw someone walking by and from the distance I couldn't see what he was holding (something strange) for some reason I tried to zoom in with a scope. I had the mental image that my eye would zoom in and look like a cross-hair.


My friend do the same with CoD at school... STEAKOUT 5000 (or something) and ONE SHOT ONE KILL and THROWING KNIFE and CLAYMORE CLAYMORE CLAYMORE etc, etc, etc and I really hate it.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.