Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
My issue doesn't lie within ranked though, I understand the concept behind it, I'm trying to point out every other gametype that's not ranked; since that's where the problems come from

you can't do a normals or a new game type with friends and mess around, everyone else makes it feel like ranked, is essentially what I'm trying to say

its like there win to loss ratio matters or something

you know what easy thing would stop that?

play as a full premade if you are bothered by the prescense of others.
if you dont like how others play the game, get a full group of like minded people?
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Originally Posted by TyZi View Post

its pop off day boys DONT STOP NEVER STOP

i see people who'd rather take pd on lucian third item, i'd much rather have rfc. what instances do you take pd? i don't think he needs dueling potential, he's already a monster

also yeah anyone in this thread that plays league for fun confuses me, mobas aren't fun to play casually, being bad at it is painfully boring.

I'd much rather take Shiv 80% of the time.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I normally take Phantom Dancer most of the time unless I want to farm for most of the game I take Shiv and I only take Runann's on Lucian when I'm bored. I haven't tried RFC in a while as Phantom Dancer seems better in my eyes overall as it gives more attack speed, the passive is better and it's 50 gold less.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
My issue doesn't lie within ranked though, I understand the concept behind it, I'm trying to point out every other gametype that's not ranked; since that's where the problems come from

you can't do a normals or a new game type with friends and mess around, everyone else makes it feel like ranked, is essentially what I'm trying to say

its like there win to loss ratio matters or something

People who get salty in normal games about someone doing badly gives me ebola too. That's what normals games are there for, to try new stuff and to learn champs that you haven't played before.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I enjoy playing League with people in the same room, followed by with people I know, followed by solo.

I don't feel the need to validate my skill in ranked, since I prefer to validate it in a game, rather than with a title. I've played more than a few high diamond players, and several low diamond/high plat players at my university's club, and I can go even with them, and frequently beat them, in lane, yet I've never risen past silver rank because I don't enjoy the environment of ranked, so I never bother to dedicate the time necessary to rise in the ranks. And, in the near future, I don't plan on trying to change that.

Besides, it's infinitely more amusing to see people obsessed with rank get flabbergasted when they get wiped by an unranked pleb.

Unless you like, don't play ranked AT ALL, I just refuse to believe that it's a possibility for a silver tier player to win against Diamond tier player in a lane that he actually plays. That just doesn't make any sense, Oracle.

And eyy, I'm on a pretty good run.

Last edited by Kristis133; Jul 21, 2016 at 07:44 PM.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
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Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
I normally take Phantom Dancer most of the time unless I want to farm for most of the game I take Shiv and I only take Runann's on Lucian when I'm bored. I haven't tried RFC in a while as Phantom Dancer seems better in my eyes overall as it gives more attack speed, the passive is better and it's 50 gold less.

so basically you didn't answer my question at all, and it doesn't seem like you know the answer.

but yeah, people in low elo don't understand laning as much as you think. generally i say people can't visualize how trades will go and who wins what under certain circumstances. people never figure out where the jungler is and often don't manage cs well.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
so basically you didn't answer my question at all, and it doesn't seem like you know the answer.

but yeah, people in low elo don't understand laning as much as you think. generally i say people can't visualize how trades will go and who wins what under certain circumstances. people never figure out where the jungler is and often don't manage cs well.

how those 3 items work for basically every adc :

pd if frontline dives on you but other than lucian other champs dont get it cuz u got more important stuff to get
rfc higher damage and sometimes enables oneshot combo (lucian's : E+auto+w+culling) doesnt happen often tho
shiv for waveclear usually not worth

theres also runaan who has the highest damage in teamfights if ur champ has an ability that procs it
Last edited by Kat; Jul 21, 2016 at 08:24 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
so basically you didn't answer my question at all, and it doesn't seem like you know the answer.

Didn't realise you asked a question but Kat answered the question better than I could.
Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Unless you like, don't play ranked AT ALL, I just refuse to believe that it's a possibility for a silver tier player to win against Diamond tier player in a lane that he actually plays. That just doesn't make any sense, Oracle.

I've played maybe 50 games of ranked tops since season 1.
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