Original Post
Is Judo one of the least skillful mods.
I think it is. One of the only public mods where you can lose to an afk person turn one. 70tf, random dms so bad you'd think you were playing boxshu. The main openers are basically tummy rubs where you split them in half, or some type of kick. If you're both in a weird position, somehow holding all is one of your best moves as your opponent breaks apart for even attempting to do something. If you do lose your hand trying to split someone in half, don't worry you'll probably still win as they break off into particles thanks to your wrist being in their intestines.
Originally Posted by Anthro View Post
has there ever been a competitive twinswords match, and if so what tf did it look like

you had to be there
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
you have no idea


This is the Uchiha Stone Tablet. Use your Sharingan to read the ancient scripts. It contains techniques like hand cannons, snake-arms, pistol shots, snipers, transformations, glitch mechanisms, hand-teleportations, head cannons, snapshots, double-swords, rotation moves and more.

Originally Posted by Fear View Post
you have no idea



also I have yet to run into somebody who's main mod is pendulum jumper, that has to be unheard of