Original Post
Practice by copying others
Well I don't really see anything wring with what I am doing, I am just practicing by attempting other texturers styles. If it is wrong or not allowed in anyway, I'll stop.

I added to Hobojoey's "Avesha"

My attempt is the little blob at the bottom left. His work is everything else.

C&C appreciated.
Last edited by Lempika; Mar 21, 2010 at 12:54 PM.
Wait why would my opinion matter? Copying others is always a good way to learn as long as you are completely aware of what you are doing and why you do it that way. It's like standing on the shoulders of giants. When you shade the points of horns and stuff, make sure the highlights extend to the very tip. Also, try to avoid the black outline look. Very few things actually have outlines irl. EDIT: Oh I see. In another thread it looks like drake. Well, the flats don't really look the same. See other thread....
Last edited by DarkJak; Mar 21, 2010 at 11:33 PM.
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Incognito - [o]
Don't get into the habit of pillow shading.
Pillow shading is where you make the middle of the object you are shading bright and then dim down the light as you move to the sides. This will make 90% of everything you make look unrealistic.