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If you could magically transform into an object or a living thing for a day, what would it be?
I'd like to be a cat for a number of reasons:
1. To jump off something really high and see if I live (lol).
2. View the perspectives that a cat has.
4. Pee in people's gardens.
5. Furball ;3
I'd want to be a squirrel. Just the thought of frolicking all day is very appealing to me.

Much more than going to school, working, homework, eat, bed, repeat.

And I also want to climb trees like a ninja too.
Obviously a bird.. Specifically a pigeon because they get fed alot and are not often killed enless run over. Which I wouldn't be run over because bish I be flyin'
I'd be... a fish. Exploring the depths of the sea with endless freedom & space must be amazing & beautiful.


Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
If you could magically transform into an object or a living thing for a day, what would it be?

An object? Maybe a dil.... I MEAN.

Keeping it all PG for you youngsters, I'd probably choose any kind of high-altitude bird. I've always wanted the thrill of flying.
Anything other than a human would be cool just for perspective sake.
League of Legends NA: Locus
I wanna be water so that I can pas thru the drainage and end up in a hot girls shower
Id love to be able to transform into a lion so i could just maul people's face off and then probably get put down

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
I'd like to turn into the alien leader that will one day destroy your asses.
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