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Oh noes I'm goign to Oklahoma for vacation, and I'm scared
So I was like whoa we're going to Oklahoma for a week and we're camping the first few nights woot and then today my dad tells me about the fucking bugs and ticks and shit out there and he mentions spiders and so I Google the bugs in Oklahoma and I'm already arachnophobic as it is, and

I mean wtf!!! If I'm gonna be seeing a ton of those 'brown recluse spiders' I'm gonna be scared shitless! I don't even want to go anymore, and now by looking at all these bug pictures I'm paranoid and have the creepy crawlies.

Any helpful advice? We're stopping at a Walmart on the drive to the lake her family will be at to get some water and stuff, so I'm thinking of spending 100$ on bug killer shit and mixing it together and flooding my tent area with it CUS WTF I HATE BUGS

Seriously guys need advice here, not gonna like this vacation at all now........

Oh ya and they make your flesh die, causing gangrene.
Last edited by JoshGrimes; May 27, 2010 at 05:39 AM.
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This isnt a double post since josh grimes edited my post

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1. I live in Oklahoma
2. I live in the country in Oklahoma
3. Don't be a bitch over a spider that normally lurks in apartment complexes more then you see it in the woods.
4. Come visit me :U

Oh and advice? Don't be a newfag in the woods, use your head and you will be fine, don't be to cautious though, enjoy yourself.
Aka jusmi.
Goddamn you're a pussy. The brown recluse is pretty close to the White Tailed Spider here in Australia. With one difference, these things are like in every house. Then we have spiders that eat birds, spiders that live in your pool, spiders that like to sit on toilet seats because they're warm and all manner of other horrible bugs. And that's just the bugs.

TL; DR, take a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up.
Most bites are minor with no necrosis. Don't be afraid of the brown recluse. they're just as afraid of you as you are to them.If you suspect you've been bitten by a brown recluse and develop symptoms like vomiting, feeling nauseous and a fever are warning signs that you need to get to a hospital. Most people don't usually notice they've been bitten by them until they swell up. To relive the swelling take some aloe vera with you, as well as an ice pack to control the swelling, then go seek a doctor.
Besides, i would be more scared of a fucking tornado ripping your lil tent to shred's then a tiny spider.
Aka jusmi.
Thanks everyone!
Originally Posted by Doxxy View Post
1. I live in Oklahoma
2. I live in the country in Oklahoma
3. Don't be a bitch over a spider that normally lurks in apartment complexes more then you see it in the woods.
4. Come visit me :U

Oh and advice? Don't be a newfag in the woods, use your head and you will be fine, don't be to cautious though, enjoy yourself.

Please more tips for Oklahoma?

Would there be less bugs to kill me in the woods in a tent, or in a hotel, we're planning on camping in a tent til we get bored, and then go to a hotel whenever we're bored of sleeping in a tent.

Are there any other bugs/animals I should watch out for?

Best to wear pants or shorts?(We're going next wednesday)

Is everyone a redneck/hick?

Will all the family's house I go to most likely have a ton of bugs in it?

Oh snakes? I've never had to deal with snakes either....

Any other useful info? Keep in mind I live in Las Vegas and dont have to deal with any dangerous bugs or animals for the most part. Sure in the desert theres scorpions and rattle snakes though I've never seen one. Also the occasional black widow we saw at some apartments we used to live.

Edit: Misc advice on whether or not I should bring my laptop? It's a gaming laptop about 2 hours of battery life, plane trip is 3 hours, then theres a 2 hour drive to the lake, and it'll be mostly family visiting so nothing fun at all. It's relatively expensive, and new so I'd be pissed if it got broke or stolen, also dont want a spider living in it and having to deal with those fuckers at home.

More misc advice, sleep in huge tent that fits like 6 or 8 people i forgot what it said, with my mom lil sister and brother, or they sleep in that one and I sleep in my own smaller one by myself?

p.s. I asked mom where in Oklahoma we stayin and she replied "Pocola, poteau, cameron, tulsa n ft smith arkansas" Unsure of why it's a huge list but k...
Last edited by isaac; May 27, 2010 at 06:04 AM.
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Please more tips for Oklahoma? K

Would there be less bugs to kill me in the woods in a tent, or in a hotel, we're
planning on camping in a tent til we get bored, and then go to a hotel whenever we're bored of sleeping in a tent. Well of course, if you sleep in a tent, and don't have the dorr open all the time, no bugs will be in there :P

And depends what hotel, but i am sure you will find a nice one.
Are there any other bugs/animals I should watch out for?
Scorpions, Mountain loins, Kiodies, Wild Dogs, Wasp, wood bees.
Best to wear pants or shorts?(We're going next wednesday)
Fuck the bugs dude, i would wear cool confront cloths, it's hot as hell here.

Is everyone a redneck/hick?

Will all the family's house I go to most likely have a ton of bugs in it?
no brah, if your going to a shitty house, or a fucked up apartment or hotel place, then your good.

Oh snakes? I've never had to deal with snakes either....
Water mokosens, or eerrr, don't know hot it be spelt :P
But if you come face to face with one, here's what you can do:
Run like a bitch
Run like a man
Grab it's tail and slinging it against something hard
Shoot it
Avoid it completely

Any other useful info? Keep in mind I live in Las Vegas and dont have to deal with any dangerous bugs or animals for the most part. Sure in the desert theres scorpions and rattle snakes though I've never seen one. Also the occasional black widow we saw at some apartments we used to live.

Nah, Oklahoma is pretty laid back bro, nothing really, cept the woods. A lot of flat lands too.

Btw, go to:
Oklahoma, Sapula, go to the Walmart on 1002 West Taft Avenue. After that th- wait, i have a feeling a sex offender is watching this o.o
Aka jusmi.
Thanks Doxxy I am once again looking forward to going to Oklahoma!

Btw sites say if you get bit to elevate your leg above the heart, wouldnt this make the blood go easier, making the venom travel faster, making your face melt that much sooner?

Thanks a bunch though for serious! +repped

oh I'll take pics if I get bit and skin meltage starts
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