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They need signs at train stations about brakes on prams
Okay, Now for the people that live in Australia they would know that a pram rolled in front of the train as it was pulling into the station Now the Child did survive But what if it happens again? Do u think for parents wiv a child in a pram They should have signs at the train stations reminding them to Put the brakes on because its happened a lot. tell me what you think.
Anyone dumb enough to let their child's pram roll into the path of an oncoming train shouldn't be breeding anyway. I say do nothing.
Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
I'm not up to date on my Australian colloquialisms, mind tellin' me what a pram is?

A stroller. Something you stick a baby in and wheel around.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Anyone dumb enough to let their child's pram roll into the path of an oncoming train shouldn't be breeding anyway. I say do nothing.

and therefore, their baby should die? There are heaps of external factors that can occur that causes people to look away from their children, e.g. other children playing up. Don't be such a dumbfuck.

A simple solution would be to have the pram companies to instal brake locks on their prams. Ones that you would have to pull backwards before it's first able to go forwards.
What morons let their stroller roll infront of a train!? Way to pay attention, parents.
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What about a couple that were having sex on the subway tracks? Should we make subways go slower for them?

Morale of the story: If you want kids and want them to not be hit by trains, take care of yourself and your child.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
This is as dumb as putting, Caution: Coffee may be hot, on hot coffee you get from McDonalds. We do it, because people are fuckin retarded.
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