ES Recruitment Drive
yes interesting point my dear basic that is a good idea, we should definitely maintain a high post quality to make sure the forum looks up to us as the elite staff clan. Elite staff ninjas of destruction

eliezer says: thumb up
Last edited by basic; Nov 2, 2018 at 02:10 AM.
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit
What truly is the strongest aspect of humanity? Is it the human body, something that can grow to such great strength and dexterity to perform incredible feats? No, it can't be, because the human body, while magnificent, can easily be crushed under great a weight, can easily be out run and outperformed. Is it then the human mind, capable of creating such amazing things that we have never seen before, capable indeed of such Creations that have saved countless lives? No, it cannot be, for as great as our minds are, they're also weak, foolish and petty, capable of self destruction from emotional overload, and incapable of extrapolating beyond their reason. What then, could it be? I posit to you that it is the human spirit, the one thing which even when broken, can be restored within a moment's notice, the one thing which can push Humanity to it's absolute limits, the one thing that in the right man, is absolutely indomitable, absolutely unrelenting, and absolutely can create a miracle.
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???