Original Post
(Auction Text Trail)
Hey guys im selling this text trail.

Starting Price:100Tc
Minimum Rise:500Tc
Auto-Buy:5000 Tc

Here it's i can make the other trails 2 price will stick the same 2.
But just showing it how it looks like

Thank You For Buying.
Last edited by iNoTo; Nov 2, 2008 at 07:38 PM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
good work death

Thanks mate
Hope to see more of your works to .
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
No one needs those trails...
I'm feeling like unskilled now T_T.
Thanks guy realy thank you.. T_T
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |