Original Post
Can I get banned or infracted for ...
Can I get banned or infracted:
1.For bumping a really old thread
2.Telling users to lower their prices in shops
3.Asking what program do texture maker use
4.Posting a thread without searching for the answer
Uqh...... Idk what to put here.
Well for bumping a really old thread probably just an infraction. (Except for Wibbles)

I don't know about the second one.

The third one could be settled through PMs.

You should always search for an answer before you post a thread with a question. It may have already been answered somewhere else.

Maybe an infraction if it's insulting another member.
1.For bumping a really old thread-no
2.Telling users to lower their prices in shops-no
3.Asking what program do texture maker use-no
4.Posting a thread without searching for the answer-The thread you posted will be closed
5.Cursing-Yes, unless you are in wibbles xP
yes, i hot infracted for number 1, i did 2,3,4 and 5 and no infractions, but you can get infracted for swearing loads in a post, if there is like 100 swear words and 20 words which aren;t swears, you probably will
Something about busses:D
1, 2 and 4 you will eventually get infracted if you keep doing it (or if an SMod is in a pissed off mood, or just simply doesn't like you).

3 and 5 should be fine.
I do like how people claim to answer these questions without actually knowing the answers. One person in specific, in this case. Anyways:

1. Yes. I infract people for bumping old threads in the Market all the time. Also, if you "buy" an item from an extremely inactive thread, I won't get your stuff back.

2. Depends. If you've got legitimate backing for it, you're fine. Otherwise, shaky ground.

3. More likely a warning, possibly an infraction. Irrelevant questions should be asked via PM.

4. It's a very real possibility. In all likelihood, you'd just get a verbal warning, but an infraction is entirely possible.

5. If you're all-out flaming someone, then a ban or infraction is highly likely. If you toss in an obscenity or two to emphasize a point, it's probably fine.

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And I might add that it also depends on who catches you. I, for example, usually just deleted large bumps (provided it was not a re-occurring problem with said user). You may be caught by someone in a bad mood, and if they decide to ban/infract you for what they've found, that's the way things will be.