What is the value of a human life?
Last edited by Ele; Mar 10, 2016 at 10:02 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
The life of a human is more important than the life of an ant. If you started killing off every human you wouldn't have houses, you wouldn't have buildings, you wouldn't have ANYTHING.

Of course not, but would anybody really need houses in the first place if every single human was dead? I doubt it. Insects have a huge value to the ecosystem.
If insects were gone, we would be gone. If insects were gone, pollination would be gone and therefore plants would be gone, making the whole ecosystem collapse. All this while humans are poisoning their own source of water, making the world warmer than ever through global warming, causing the water level to rise astronomically. We even hunt animals for sport and quick money, making the species die out in the cause of our greediness and entertainment.
All this in mind, one would say that we are the mere reason to why our enviroment is dying, quickly even.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Ants are cornerstone species. Humans are not.

Would you accept one billion dollars on the condition that from that point on every single ant on this planet will dedicate its life to killing you? That is the real question here.
How are you?
Although the life of an insect (in this case, the fire ant) may seem to be inferior and less important, they are still important to the world. They help tunnel air through the ground like worms and help the soil in general. Breaking down small animals and killing pests.

If you're comparing insects to humans, humans would win. Because we are humans. So of course we think we're better than them. Which, I agree with. They're annoying and there's a shit ton of them in the world. There's more of them than us in population. Killing off fire ants doesn't exactly harm anything. Besides, ya know, the ants.

Now, if we're talking about wasps, I couldn't care less if they died out. Wasps, Bees, Hornets, anything that flies and stings/bites, can go fuck itself. I hate them with a passion. Even though bees are important, wasps and hornets are only here to piss people off.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Actually, wasps and hornets have just as much importance in the world as bees.
You can read about it here

I feel as if you are making exceptions based on your personal prefference instead of basing them off actual facts.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
This has alot to do with a text that i thought was interesting called the lowest animal by mark twain while it is a satirical text he still makes some very good points we as humans are cruel and over all just unempathetic to other species
You realize it was a whole colony of ants he took out which racks up a large body count unlike sharks or jelly fish ants actually matter in the sense that they help the ecosystem and balance of things they aren't invasive species but they definitely are a pest
And you do realize that things like houses iphones and ipads are not needed right? We as humans beings are possibly the worst invasive species and any cases of a actual invasive species are because of humans we bring animals to places where they shouldn't be and in turn that fucks the whole system up
We are also the only animals that kills for enjoyment in the words of mark twain "a earl will kill 72 buffalos and eat one while if you lock a lagre snake in a cage with 4 calfs it will only eat one and leave the rest" or something to that effect"
We are not more a more important species it's a matter of opinion and since opinion isn't really something reliable i t ake the stance that "there is no superior blood line" unless you believe in manifest destiny we are worthless and so are dogs they do little to nothing for tge environment like humans but with more forced inbreeding
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Actually, wasps and hornets have just as much importance in the world as bees.
You can read about it here

I feel as if you are making exceptions based on your personal prefference instead of basing them off actual facts.

Was based on what I thought before I actually looked into it myself, so there is some sort of discussion, so it's not ("LOOK AT MY FACTS YOURE WRONG")

But now that I read this, I was unaware of the different types of wasps and thought they were useless. I still don't like them, but do see their importance.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I feel the same way the "hurr durr ant killing asshole" crowd feels about it, but let me explain why in a way that might bring light to my point-of-view:

Those ants, like you and I, are also living beings. While some living things might not think on our level, feel as much pain as we do, or accomplish tasks as significant as us, it's an undeniable fact that they are living, breathing beings. When you kill one, you're doing.. well.. Exactly what it sounds like, lol. You're killing them. That's ending the life of another being. It might not seem as "significant" because it's an ant, but; that ant was born and has lived a life, just as you and I. It might be a very different life, but a life nonetheless and you're denying it the basic right to live when you kill it.

I really think it's just a point-of-view (one that I think is correct, in the scheme of being a pacifist / having good spirituality / whatever else positive you may apply to this ). A lot of people think on scientific levels or put humans above other creatures in terms of importance.. I think that's the wrong way to think about it, the answer is pretty simple. Of course, anyone can and will argue against my point, perhaps saying "we wouldn't get to where we are today if we hadn't caused the deaths of other beings in the process" and.. to that, I can attest to that statement being true, but I still hold mine to be true as well and I pledge not to kill if I don't have to (of course, accidental stepping-on-bugs is a tough one to avoid at all times, so.. can't win everything. ^^;)
Humans put human emotions and feelings onto all animals this is why people feel sympathy when they see an ant killed. I believe this trait is unique to humans.