Original Post
Olive torso for Avvy
Yo, i want an avatar of my player with a Navy blue background shaders on with me jumping in a twist please.
Or if possible a Ninja background with me holding a Katana.
But i would like a shot of me kicking or punching.

/dl RickyM97
/lp 1 RickyM97

Thanks if not enough please inform
Last edited by RickyM97; Jun 14, 2009 at 07:00 PM.
Klan Opposition.
Damn, its times like this i wish i had shaders lol. Do you have shaders? If so can you make the pose you want and post it here then I'll do the rest
Thanks, do you know when you wil have it done by?
Also Everyone, try making me a avvy plz!
Klan Opposition.
Its cool and everything but will you zoom in a little and have me in a punching pose?

I'd appreciate it ill go change the first post.
Klan Opposition.