Original Post
cool head kick off
set distance to 230

press "C" (hold all)
rise right shoulder
contract right pec
extend left pec
extend left glute
extend right hip
extend right ankle
relax right knee
left rotating chest
space x4
contract right knee
space x1
extend right knee
contract right hip
left bending lumbar

then press "P" or make ur own landing headbang

comments please!
Last edited by loje; Jul 8, 2007 at 08:32 PM.
can u post a replay cuz i did it and it just taps the guys foot, i think u might have forgotten to extend ankles or sumthin...

Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian/ I speak in three weeks to the entire auditorium (Thats just the beginning.)
Still doesnt work, how far away?? PLEASE jsut post a replay...

Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian/ I speak in three weeks to the entire auditorium (Thats just the beginning.)
i can post a replay tomorrow if i remember.........im sorry that i forgot distance.....nd every other wrongs i did......im terrebly sorry....but i think it should work now
Last edited by loje; Jul 8, 2007 at 08:37 PM.
Ok, pretty cool, heres the replay for those that dont wana go through the trouble =p
Last edited by mikybee93; Mar 31, 2008 at 07:16 PM.

Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian/ I speak in three weeks to the entire auditorium (Thats just the beginning.)
Hmmmm. I recognize that replay.... I think i have seen a similar one. Is it supposed to be a re-creation? It looks supiciously like the first replay in the list of replays that toribash comes with..... Maybe i am mistaken but i don't think so.
It might be a remake, but look at ukes landing, and its alot weaker...

Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian/ I speak in three weeks to the entire auditorium (Thats just the beginning.)
The start is exactly the same as hampa's 0headkick, but the kicking part is edited.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
chek and comment my other mooves "cool half jump" and "flips and decaps"
Last edited by loje; Jul 29, 2007 at 05:07 PM.