Original Post
Sambo or Kuntao, Take your pick!
This is for the clan war against [DAT]

I want four Kuntao people, and four Sambo. Anyone who doesn't sign up for either will be put in the Tie breaker team. Now before you all ask what the tiebreaker, it's Wushu
Ready, set, go!


Doctor Dendrite
Lancer_c (Sub)

Unfortunately, since we do not have sufficient members, we will have to reuse some.

Last edited by B-rad; Jul 21, 2007 at 02:24 PM.
Change of plans

Reggi sent me this PM

I'm against judo. You will rip us apart there. That would be the same if you would fight us in taek kyon. So if you wanna fight judo, we wanna fight tk. Tiebreaker joust isn'T really good too. Its more luck, btw the startingmove who win this fight. Saturday sounds ok, which time?

it does seem a bit unfair, so I have 2 ideas. we could change everything to things that neither clan has an advantage over (Like Kickboxing, Wushu, and Sambo)

Or, we could have both Judo and TK with the tiebreaker as Wushu.

Or we could do Judo, TK and tiebreaker as sambo. What do you think?
Both of those are good for me. If we take Wushu+Kickbox, I'll be in wushu because I absolutely suck at Kb.
hmm~, possibly TK and Judo and sambo as tiebreaker but... thats actualy a bit unfair as judo is far more luck based even if we are awesome at it.

Maybe KB and sambo, but that would screw up alot of our prime guns who are judo focused and not near as good at KB .Though i think we have enough KB people to fill that up, but some would have to move away from the sambo they wanted to be in and the ones that were in judo taking their place in sambo (since more or less if your good in judo , your good in sambo from my viewing experiances of it).

also i dont get where reggi is comming with from the joust tiebreaker~, theres quite a bit of skill involved (oh and b-rad, isha trained me in joust and I rock in it now for the most part ;p, isha is of course far more awesome at it but he is on vacation).


actualy now that I think about it we have skilled members (at least 2 extremely skilled) for each mode~.. our 2 focused wushuers, dodgy and josh, arnt signed up though (also i think we recently discovered we have some mad sambo skillz).

I never realy played TK much nor seen the other members there so I wouldnt know what talant we have as far as that goes (but I do assume we have a few members that could handle them).

also in an unrelated note, is spaztic on vacation now? he mentioned he would only be able to fight in the war if it was done by a certain date.

just saw that he will be back on saturday but we wont know his prefrences and all till then, so he will probably just be put on tiebreaker?
Last edited by lancer_c; Jul 19, 2007 at 07:56 PM.
Well DAT is telling me that officially its Tk and judo and tiebreaker would be sambo, if it is official then i would really like to be in the judo team. I suck at taek kyon.
Back in my day...
hmmmm.... If we play KB, Ill be on the KB team, and if not, I would want to be on the sambo team

Each clan should pick a mode though. If DAT wants TK, and we want (Blank) then thats what it will be and we will just choose the tiebreaker round if a tiebreaker is needed

Edit: Actually I think we should do like sambo, wushu, and KB or something since that is what the clans are not Perfected in basically... At least its kinda fair =/
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Originally Posted by mosier View Post
hmmmm.... If we play KB, Ill be on the KB team, and if not, I would want to be on the sambo team

Each clan should pick a mode though. If DAT wants TK, and we want (Blank) then thats what it will be and we will just choose the tiebreaker round if a tiebreaker is needed

Best idea here.

Ok, so what should our mode of choice be?