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[Vid] Rage Quit, Chroma Key, Semi Sync
This video I made for my organization rage quit. Its a remake, after taking the advice from the last video I posted here. Positive or negative all feedback is valuable.

Last edited by Azazell; Aug 16, 2009 at 11:58 PM.
I dont like the ligthnings there0.o
<raydark101> "Tortele your avatar is hot!"
<Tortele> "It's a boy..."
Member of Dead and Forgotten
You just lumped a heap of replays together, recorded a visualizer from a music player, overlaid it without even bothering to fix the brightness drop and then chucked some music on top. You didn't even use freecam. Mate, this is not skillful video making. It just doesn't cut it. I could have made this in 30 minutes flat. :/
I did sync it with the beat in the beginning there. It took about 30 minutes just to render the fire and chroma key.
It's really not that good, The replay's fps are terrible, it is very choppy, No decent camera work, annoying lights, not even close to being sync'd, An eyesore really, put more effort into it next time.
Well I Know Of Freecam Now So That Will Be Useful. Thanks For Comments Guys. Ill Get Better Through Trail And Error Hopefully :P

*Edit* I was on a phone btw thats why all the caps. Anyone know how to get the best fps with fraps?
Last edited by Azazell; Aug 17, 2009 at 05:34 AM.
Originally Posted by Azazell View Post
Well I Know Of Freecam Now So That Will Be Useful. Thanks For Comments Guys. Ill Get Better Through Trail And Error Hopefully :P

*Edit* I was on a phone btw thats why all the caps. Anyone know how to get the best fps with fraps?

set TB to 60fps, set fraps to 60fps. Be sure and click the NO SYNC box. There you go. This will override the choppy/slowness, so even on a shitty PC you will get smooth video with full graphics.

Also, I kind of liked the movie. Even if it was simple the music and the background complimented each other nicely, reminded me a lot of something from the 70s.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
freecam isnt necessary, but it sure is useful for a lot of things.
sync in one part + no sync in the rest = no sync over all. consistency is important here
visualizer doesnt even look like it matches music
I actually did use the same song while recording the visualizer. But its just the windows battery one so its not in sync anyway. Thanks Deady now that I know how to configure fraps my recordings are so much smoother. Im working on another remake of this video, I'll link it on this thread if anyone is interested.
Last edited by Azazell; Aug 19, 2009 at 12:23 AM.