Original Post
[draw comp, hosted by clan inq.] Draw FNugget, win 10k.

Hi there, this is an open art competition hosted by Clan Inquisition. In this comp the goal is to draw a picture of our beloved FNugget. The person to do the best job will be awarded with 10,000 TCs

Rules: All entries must be drawn by hand, either on paper or in any sort of drawing program such gimp/photoshop/or paint. No renders.

The pictures can be of just about anything as long as the main focus is FNugget (either his Tori or a rendition of what you think he may look like). They can be comics, portraits, storyboards, whatever.

Mild satire is welcome, but anything blatantly insulting will be disqualified and deleted. Also nothing pornographic or overtly violent. Be tasteful.

Deadline: Tuesday September 29th.

The winner will be chosen by the clan, and clan members are allowed to enter if they chose.

Rules subject to change.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post

Get you Picasso.
[2nd Dan]-[Sigma]
Gynx's brick pimp ^^. "Gynx": A brick has holes, what more do you want?
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post

How is nobody competing when this is the only entry? :P No offense War, but if you win, without at least SOME form of competition, I may just cry. Because that would mean that the entire community looks at that picture and says "That is worth 10k, and I cannot do anything that may be more worth 10k."
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
^^ i completely agree, how is this not getting any more entries, I mean, he didnt even spell Fnugget right.


But i think ill have to advertise this as much as possible =D
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post

image is godly, not much we can do about it :3
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Im going to try this lol

also...FNUGGFT!!! xD
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

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