Original Post
old WANT TO JOIN thread
ok this is the place to post if you feel you want to join clan wHo, make your application here and we will discuss it and meet on a server. I am not making offers to people who are in another clan, i will let people join if they have left another clan as long as they left the other clan for their own reasons

anyone recruiting for wHo is not allowed to make offers to anyone who is in a clan either, and doing so would result in them no longer being a recruiter. some people have left clans because they wanted to join wHo, that is ok as long as they were not persuaded
show your face a bit in the servers Zackerie, let us see you play then we will discuss it, thanks for the interest
I briefly played against him today, seemed to be nice and polite.
He was ok but i whooped him in one fight in judo, i was well proud, i probz got lucky that fiht though
Just one fight..

EDIT:Zeon said I could join.I thank you all.
Last edited by Zackerie; Sep 3, 2007 at 01:24 AM.
congrats man, nice to have you, ill update the members page

hey Zeon, when you recruite someone make a post about it eithre here or in who members, it will make it easier for me to keep track of.

and more importantly, if you invite someone, can you tell myself or one of the recruiters before you officially let them in the clan, i want myself or a recruiter to have a say in the recruiting

i was probably going to let Zackerie in anyway, i was watching him yesterday and i like his playing, but i was going to wait a couple of days just because he only redded just over a day ago, for this reason it is obvious that Zeon hasnt read the rules of recruiting, and didnt spend a few days making sure Zacherie was active
Last edited by marduk; Sep 3, 2007 at 02:34 AM.
I'll join who ((im not in toxic anymore))

My reasons ((in case you were wondering)) were:
1) Tripstone ((the leader)) hates me and I hate him
2) Trip kicked my best friend((and the only reason I joined)) from the clan.
3) They are not as active or talkative as the people from wHo I have seen alot of you guys on and played with most of you. I feel that you guys are((from my impressions)) a good and friendly clan who likes to talk in toribash not just fight.
Last edited by Rayson_the_reaper; Sep 6, 2007 at 04:20 AM. Reason: Misspelling
Youre not defeated when you lose. Youre defeated when you give up.