Original Post
Moving Forward
I'm shoving these thoughts forward. I know I'm rushing, I'm sorry for taking this pushy position, but CBK is the original clan. The clan of clans, If you will. We need to get our name out, to let people know we are an iron army ready to serve paincakes at a moment's notice.

I start playing multiplayer. I see Imsku, so I join that server. Groad sees us, he joins our server. HebrewHamr, etc. on and on, MBK, everybody gets thoroughly pwnt.I know it may seem dumb but we will make a larger impression in large groups. Try to play at least once a day. You never know how it might pay off. (hint hint)

Toribash is not an mmo, thus clans do not work as well. However, with many frequent enough activities we can have fun, boost skill, make devoted membership. No clan will get past a well organized one.

Getting our name out there.
Please try to include something CBK in your sig. We are the best clan. We will never die. So be proud of it! Out of Toribash advertising will also work extremely well, both to attract new members to Toribash and let people know that CBK people think big.

Helping Toribash.
Just that. Spread the word.

This is not the first time I've done this. Remember that whole "brainstorm" thing? All of these qualities already exist in CBK. We just need to overstuff the clan with them. The waffle will then be fluffier.

We are better than Torigods. We are better than bncy. We are WAY better than Guru. We are MILES better than wHo. etcetera.

We know it. They don't. That is their weakness.
Last edited by cayal; Sep 6, 2007 at 12:13 PM.
<3 MBK :D
Humm, I think you need to change the places of wHo and Guru there.

Anyways, I agree. Timezones might be why you don't see much of MBK or HebrewHamr ingame. For me, when those guys wake up, I'm going to sleep... or something. I do see them sometimes, though. Also, what happened to Groad? Haven't seen him in a while.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
...Oops you're right, we're actually miles better than wHo. Fixed. I know about how much timezones make things suck, since I only play during night and after I get home, but I'm talking about the members besides us five... I have rarely seen anyone else besides Ethereal... Insane? Rubby? I've only seen Redgouf once. Maybe Huntaa once. Boss? Tiranic? ThatGuy? PsYcHZ? I've never seen them.

I'm setting up a GMT schedule to see when other people are playing, as soon as I can get back from school. Also, we are Leagues better than Toxic. Who is Arkane? What, there's a clan called Streak9 now? We could crush them with our big toe. If anyone doesn't tell me when they play, I'll assume they never do and they won't be on the timeframe-thing.
<3 MBK :D
Well, I suppose the problem with half our members is that they kinda... stopped playing.

I don't want to remove them from the list in case they're still here, and I know Insane is here.. somewhere.

Rubby is barely ever on IRC anymore, PsYcHZ barely ever uses the forums, Regouf seems to have stopped, and honestly... I don't play on a daily basis anymore.

I woke up today at 6 AM, have to leave for uni at 7. The first thing I did was put clothes on and get here, to take care of the forums. I'm here and on IRC MUCH more often than Toribash. With any luck, uni will give me more extra time.

Of course, I could have the kind of workload I can barely handle, so.. idk D:

But if there's one saving grace, I walked into Wushu yesterday, got a 5 streak, and walked back out :P

I never play Wushu, even when I actually do play Toribash :P
Insane: I don't know, maybe school or something is keeping him busy.
Rubby: You know, I don't think I've seen him either. Wait... maybe I have. :S
Huntaa: Says he's active, but doesn't seem like it. :/
Boss: Never seen him.
Tiranic: I don't think he's even in CBK anymore... :S
Thatguy: Ummmmm... No idea.
Psychz: Lost his interest in toribash. :/

From the looks of that ^, we're not doing too well with members and activity. Something must be done. I have no idea what, though. I have lost my self-confidence in decision making. First I'd let smokie in, though. He's good.

Then I'd kick MBK in the ass to make him more active -_-

EDIT: Oh, MBK said basically the same thing while I was typing this... D'oh.
Last edited by Imsku; Sep 6, 2007 at 12:47 PM.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
I try to be active ingame, but recently, My Toribash multi player is broken. I don't know whats wrong with it. Until I figure out whats wrong, don't expect to see me online. I read the forums everyday, though.
/-\ /\/ |) /-\
I'm better at kb now, so I'll be there when I can.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Originally Posted by ThatGuy View Post
Same here, except that my exams are coming, so I can't play at all. (That would explain my absence) I will try to sneak in Toribash as many times as I can, but don't bet on seeing me till the November/December holidays.

Quoted from the most active forum thread -_-. I would love to play more guys, even have a 24 hour Toribash marathon, but I do not want to fail my exams! I will try to get on more, but time differences may prevent us from seeing each other (the most I've seen is Imsku and Groad, and they both were already leaving).
Don't worry. Just pop in from time to time to let us know you're not dead or something, and everything will be fine. It's obvious that school is going to take a toll on the clan, but you shouldn't feel like you HAVE to be here all the time.
