Original Post
The Currently_Unofficial_Narcissistic_Toribash_Smash-Bros league.
Or The C.U.N.T.S. League for short.

Ever wanted to play Smash Bros Brawl, but been unable to find anybody online?
This organisation aims to bring together your fellow "toribashians" to duke it out in a different kind of fighting game.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Basically, to join, put your SMASH BROS BRAWL FRIEND CODE (NOT your wii friend code, see below for help) in a post, maybe decorate it with a smiley face or two, and click the big old submit button.
Your code will now be added to the main list contained within the next post, and over time you will be sorted into rank [], and activity ().
You now also have the right to post in this thread whenever.

Activity will be sorted by groups of frequencies, and rank will be sorted by tournament wins.

Finding your friend code thingymajig.
Menu > Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection > Yes > With Friends > Friend Roster
It's at the top.
Pop that into a post for us.

An example, using my code, is 2535-5071-8263
Go ahead and add me, let me know so I can add yours back, completing the connection process.

I've completely lost my train of thought now.

Anyway I'll edit this later mopping up anything that seems wrong, adding anything that seems missing, get posting and adding those friend codes.

First tournament is going to be small, and roughly ten days after we have our eighth confirmed member.
Seven to go.

I reserve the right to bar anyone I want from this, with the obvious exception of those with absolute power (i.e. veb and similar).

Thanks to anyone and everyone that participates.

Time to go hype this shit.
Last edited by Resetting; Nov 3, 2009 at 10:48 PM.
Reserved for compiling the masses of friend codes.

2535-5071-8263 Resetting
Reserved for the purposes of Tournament Organisation and Archiving etc.
Last edited by Resetting; Nov 4, 2009 at 08:03 PM.