Original Post
Full throttle - should we do it? ;)
Every once in a while, a mod comes by that gets makes us go “WE SHOULD MAKE THAT!” and we just might.Drag racing has never looked this good and been this fun. Rev your engines, and hit this up by looking for the following mods in your mod directory.rk_f1.tbm,rk_streetracing.tbm , rk_streetracing_final.tbm , rk_race_canyon.tbm and more.Racing [...]

It'r really fun. Thanks
Its new way for tourneys...
we should ;3
My eyes seek reality...
Nice to see things like this posted, I had never known this mod existed otherwise! Really fun and easy enough. Wouldn't mind having a couple of racing servers! It's incredible the work some guys do with Tori!
"Don't hate the game, hate the playas" Joel Durham Jr
Remember good sportmanship, we've all been n00bs once.