Original Post
Very Slow FPS
I dunno if this question has been asked... I've looked through the forums but couldnt find an answer so here it is...

Toribash FPS is really bad on my computer for some reason. Ive seen some people say toribash runs fine on 256 MB of RAM (?) but for me, it runs at a shocking 8 fps! its so slow Im starting to get angryyy =S

I have 512 MB of ram and 3.20 Ghz processor.. (sorry im not good with computers)

I dunno whats wrong... a while ago i went to my friends house, and on his comp toribash was fine.

Please help T.T
It *used* to run fine on 256 MB of RAM with a pretty low-end computer.

Since like 2.6 or so, antialiasing has been added, and that pretty much lowered the fps a lot. Try creating a shortcut to toribash.exe, right-clicking then going to Properties, and adding -aa 0 to the end of the line. I think that's how it was.

Also, what is your graphics card?

And like cayal said, don't run anything in the background, to see if it works. Stuff like torrent clients, file-sharing, etc.
Originally Posted by Jam0864 View Post
I doubled my fps by updating my graphics drivers. =D try that. =)

how'd you do that >.<
Search for (You graphics card here) drivers, and download the latest ones. Then...install, like any other program.

Get that and it'll tell you.

Also: "3.20 Ghz processor"

To anyone wondering why it's running slow with such a cpu, it's because it's a celeron.
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Hmm... I'll try SSJoker's idea about the - aa0 thing..
Andd I shut down everything in the background with "user" next to it but it doesnt seem to make a difference..
I'll go try - aa 0 now =)

I'll also go update my graphic card, its a NVDIA GeForce FX 5200, is that a low quality graphic card or somethingg?

Thank you =)

EDIT : WOW!! I updated my graphic card and boy, was I amazed. Toribash runs fine =D
Feels so strange.. everything moves so fast xD
Last edited by starrzz; Sep 24, 2007 at 10:25 AM.