Original Post
hey all, I'm pretty sure we don't have a action script thread yet... so I'm gonna go ahead and make one... i personally have a question that anyone who knows more about AS then i do can answer.

i have a movie clip i want to import to one of three specified locations
those are XY coordinates... anyway, i don't feel like writing up 15 lines of code if i can do it in less then 5...
I'm thinking something along the lines of
function WIN(_x, _y):Void {
this.attachMovie("Right", "right", 5);
all the names check out proper
but i want it to be able to just go WIN(x,y) and it'll refer to that function and place it at those coordinates... but i have no idea how for now... :S
help plox?

i fixed it by just having win and lose in the same place... and then replacing each other by putting them on the same layer.... easy enough
Last edited by rubby; Oct 7, 2007 at 07:34 AM.