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[IMAGE] Photoshop TB's new sounds designer
Our new sound designer is a nice guy:

And he has asked we could photoshop this image with a Tori for his web page.

so... best image gets 30,000 TC.

Winner is OfUnknown. Congratulations!!
Last edited by hampa; Jan 26, 2010 at 10:48 AM.
Of COURSE it has to be a Finnish!

I really want to see how this ends up. Good luck everyone!
easy, count me in, can we change the background??
WhY L1V3 L1F3 SrSlY. N0 0N3 M4K3S 1T 0UT 4L1V3 4NYW4Y. >.<
Originally Posted by ARBITER666 View Post
easy, count me in, can we change the background??

Please do.. not sure if the bed fits there
This guy seems awesome.
I hope he isn't actually going to kill someone to get realistic sounds, you never know what goes down in Finland. ._.
Holy shit, hes the one that did the sounds for Minigore (the best Ipod app Ever). i <3 Him already.