Original Post

Demonike and Malincev are two great fearless warriors, who has met long time ago, and decided to make a clan - [Exellent]. Stll they are side by side, together they have been through fire and water and many difficulties.
Today our leaders honest and impartial, strong and powerful, they never betray each other.
Clan Exellent - serious clan, not for couple of days, we will stand together up to the hilt. We`re not last punks, we`re strong and persistently. We`re not simply group of unfamiliar people, we`re well united team, where we all trust each other, we are ready to help each other every second, we`re share last credit with our brother, rescue from any trouble, because we`re brothers, we are - family.

* Each clansman – should promote clan popularisation in every possible way.

* Escalating of fighting potential and power of a clan.

* Mutual aid between clansmen.

* Active participation of all clansmen in a life of a clan for the purpose of development, well-being and strengthening of positions of a clan.

* Reception in a clan [
Excellent] is carried out under the standard scheme, operating clansmen. A casting vote at definition of suitability of the candidate is the voice of the head of clan. The exception of clan Enemy is made under the decision of the clan confirmed by the leader and co-ldr

* to Type skilled players.

1. Respect soklanov.
2. Regularly attend a forum (preferably every day, and not just as something to write). Participate in the life of the clan.
3. Do not unleash conflicts with other players and clans. Do not degrade the reputation of the clan.
4. Do not forget that each soklana have ICQ, so that everyone could at any time chtolibo ask, learn, negotiate!

5. To pay the debt in case of lost Duel. Be honest with the other players as with itself (paragraph 3, not to spoil the reputation of the clan).

A name:
How often happen in a network?
A belt in game:
Why wish to be in our clan:
Favourite mod:

Excellent leader

Excellent co-ldr

Eexcellent members



Last edited by Gun; Apr 19, 2010 at 03:15 PM. Reason: [DSC]excellent
You are master belt and you joined last april? wow, anyway, good luck with the clan!
Something about busses:D
Удачи))) ХД хороший состав если не считать блеков, 2 и 3 данов) опенов получше и тд. и тп.
GooD LucK!!!
Желаю побыстрее вам стать офф кланом.
Удачи с развитием клана и никогда не теряй настрой.
Если будет что-то нужно не стесняйся обращайся,всегда смогу помочь.
Мы же всётаки одно рускомьюнити,мы просто обязаны стоять один за другого))
Ещё раз удачи и пусть ваш клан добьёться больших успехов.
Никогда не сомневайся,а действуй,всё что будешь делать всё к лучшему!!!
Suplex masters \/ Sharks leader \/ [Koyz]KozoTeam