Original Post
Want insectophobia? Watch this vid!
Aww, this is sooo cute!
The good part starts when it gets to the wasps.

Last edited by Odlov; Feb 7, 2010 at 02:32 AM.
wow thx man, this saved my eveningvery interesting.
we should make a documentary thread where we show each other cools vidsXD
.....German Underground
I seen the Jewel Wasps videos, there are quite alot of them. It's a good way to raise their young and defend their selves.

Then there was this dilemma about how the Jewel Wasps are ungodly or unnatural because they make there hosts zombies. Ugh, kind of stupid.
lolol, ima get one of those wasps on my brother and get him to do my homework,,

i know, it doesnt work like that,
WhY L1V3 L1F3 SrSlY. N0 0N3 M4K3S 1T 0UT 4L1V3 4NYW4Y. >.<
holy crap yeah you were right! lol, i dont have insectofobia tho. But thats some good facts as always odlov! thanks for sharing
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
Well, i heard that the venom of the jewel wasp somehow paralyzed the brain of the host, not turning them into zombies.

Interesting one ,Odlov .

I also watched then next part, they say that ground squirrels are immune to rattle snake's bite, got something to do with blood plasma, etc.
Well, the venom blocks dopamine, a hormone that serves as a neurotransmitter and also as a hormone that regulates emotions, and movement. So blocking it means signals aren't being transferred anymore. And it kills the urge to move. So the prey is not only unable to move, but also too lazy.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash