Original Post
Sore Losers over Minimalists.
well, I'm positive this has been talked about but hey! lets bring it back up. I've seen many a sore loser in my time with toribash. especially after streaks. or even complaining on rush moves. there are a lot less minimalists these days. a.k.a people who play for the fun of the game. nowadays everyone plays to be "the best" yet, there can really be no best player. theres always going to be someone better. although, there is not way to be the best at everything, there are always those pompous players who think they're the shit. I hate the fact people only play toribash to find one move to beat everyone, until they're a blackbelt. what gives people that strive to be the best at everything? when it is impossible. no one can be the best at every mod, have over a thousand forum posts, and be good at art. it's not very realistic... which is why I love to create my own servers with friends. so I can just chat and play for fun. without having to worry about that cocky brownbelt who insults others out of pleasure to feel bigger. anyhow, how many of you folks just play for fun? without worry? or are you just in it to feel like you're the best?
voice your opinions here.
I for one play for the fun of it, I know I will never be the best at this game but I have a great time playing it and I get a little annoyed with people that take things so seriously that they quit mid game when they are losing or rage quit after they lose. This is just entertainment not life or death, though there is nothing better than getting a good decap.
i hate those people who are like "HA i beat you! NOOB" makes you feel like shit.
i also like playing in private servers. i seem to do better because theres no stress and i can just have fun with my friends. some of the best replays are when i am playing in a private server
Yeah, I normally play to make poses and spar in private servers with really long timers...

Although in tourneys i always secretly think "your going down fukka!" I always put on a brave faec and be polite, since I know how annoying it is and i don't want to be someone known for being a sore loser, so i get over it and say good game or something similar..
Something about busses:D
When I first started to play I didn't care whether I won or lost. Then I got to be like 3rd dan and I got serious about it. Then when I got 10th dan I started messin' around and losing in a fun way. It made the game more enjoyable not trying to win every time.

Yeah, sometimes It is fun when you wan't to win from the start, but it is annoying wen your oponent starts being stupid just because they are losing, then say they lost because they "danced" out of the dojo....

(ohey, imma troll )
Something about busses:D