Original Post
I might be inactive for a few days.
Like I said in the title. Im going to be inactive for a few days. The reason why is because im creating a game. But its just a simple game and im calling it robot wars. This will be my first completed project for creating a game using the program called game maker.

If you ask what game maker is, its a program where you can create your own games for free. If you want to download it heres the link: (look in the description)

I might preview the game when it is finished, just PM me if you want to try it.
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
ehh...just a simple multiplayer game. You shoot the person your against.
Not the best but it will be my first finished.
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
I'll be inactive for a few hours, I'm going to go watch a movie.
the god
cya i guess.

mrninja: I dont think it will make it that far of popularity. It might. You never know.
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
Good luck with your game. I'd like to try it then, if you don't mind .
Don't take me serious. If you feel offended... I'm just kidding.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
I'll be inactive for a few hours, I'm going to go watch a movie.

I don't think the thread is about him being inactive because of something, it's probably to publicise the game...

Anyway, once it i done can I have a go on it :3

PH i know can i be a tester? *wiggles eyebrows*
Something about busses:D
Bugs are annoying.

Agreed. A friend of mine has the same problem. He is close to finish the game, too.
Don't take me serious. If you feel offended... I'm just kidding.