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My animation class!
Yeah. I am quite advertising that now I am teaching how to animate.
So, here we go! (Its a long text, but if you dont want to get in trouble in my classes, read it!)

Ziknon's Animation Class!

Time: 11am GMT to 15pm GMT;
Days: Weekly, three days per week, one day for each class of ten (10) students
How can I join the classes: I will create a room at IRC, named #Zikclass
Classes: Flash and Blender
Class Level: Flash: Basic-Intermediate-Advanced;
Blender: Basic-Intermediate
Extra: I hadn't chosen the days for the classes. I will see the days I have more students subscribed. Particular classes will cost a fee. Additional days will cost a fee too. If I see that you entered the class and you don't want to learn anything, I will remove you from the class. Another student will be applied. If one class isn't full and no one wants to join, the class will still start. If you want to join that class, you can. I will NOT explain again what I explained to all the students until you joined the class. If you want to, you can pay a fee and I will make private classes with you, until I see that you are ready to join the class again.
The fee price will depend of the level (Basic-Intermediate-Advanced) you choose, and of the day/time you choose.
If such incident happens and you don't want to pay the fee, you will still join the class, but if you aren't productive I will remove you from the class, and you will have to wait untill the class re-start.
Flash class will start as soon as I enough students apply to it. The minimal is 6 students.
Blender classes will start next month, due to my inexperience in some areas of that program, and due to some school works.
If a lot of students want to join my classes and they are full, I will open another class, but as soon as I finish one class, I will reschedule that extra class. There will be no additional fee. If you miss one day, don't worry. I will always make a "flashback" of the last class. If you miss more than one day, for any reason, I will have every class registered, so I can teach you again what you missed.
The reason I won't do this for those who didn't joined the class when it started is because who misses one day will have already a base of what we were learning.
Read this all (or not), you may now apply to be a student!

Student Application
Class you want to join (Flash/Blender; level):
Any previous works:

Well, we are done here.

Last edited by ziknon; Apr 16, 2010 at 10:07 PM.
Any examples of your work?
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
@Morbon: As I am f*cking unlucky, I lost all my works. BUT, this week I will try to make more
@arielrulez: Pm'ing.
@davidbash: Fill the student application.
Belt:4th dan
Activity:soccer chilling toribash some sport stuff
Class:class 9 i just need one class more to absolve school
GMT: gmt01/gmt02 atm itz 02
CO-Leader of
Animation methods, you can look it up on google or youtube.

I'd like to take a flash class, ill see if i can later...
This guy was once a GameMaster
Originally Posted by davidbash View Post
so wahtz flash or blender?

Adobe flash is an animation program that allows many different styles of animation (I re-draw moving parts, and move unimportant parts with the scaler) that also supports actionscript, giving the freedom to create games, or interactive animations.

I really don't know much about blender lul. I do know it is a 3D modeler/animation program however.
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures