Original Post
Gaming can solve the world's problems.
Watch this!

And now blah blah blah my own opinion below (don't feel like you have to read it)

I found it very interesting.

Speaking from my own experience here; in games I have 100% enthusiasm to tackle any problem, be it to escape zombies in Mincraft zombies, or to assassinate a tricky fella in Creed 2, or to hunt down more adam in Bioshock.
But in real life I have 0 motivation. I drag my sorry ass to class probably less than 50% of the time, then sleep or don't concentrate through a lecture, rambo my way though any assignments or tests but really I don't even care about them.
Somehow I managed to get in to uni and pass first year without any study, I have literally done 0 hours of study in my entire life, I have never done any school work out of school. Got an assignment for maths? Do it in english class.

For a long time I've tried to psyche myself up to care about my life, but when I watched this video its like it all made sense. My life is filled with unquantifiable and non specific milestones; there is no way to see what my current skill level is, and there is no one handing me challenging yet achievable tasks.
It's like I'm playing Fallout 3 and have no idea what the hell I'm meant to be doing, I just wander around aimlessly accomplishing nothing.
The most shit part is this; even if I have a goal I have no motivation to achieve it. For example, I wanted to achieve 10,000 hours of programming by the time I'm 21. I now have 3 years to do nearly 9000 hours. Yes, it is achievable, but what is my reward for this?
There is nothing tangible, the 'reward' for doing it is 'doing it'. It is its own reward. I don't want that! I can see it is beneficial for my career and personal skill level, but I don't get my 500 xp and 2k gold or any cool reward.

However, I think that if there was a game I would gladly invest that time just for a couple of magnetised points on my hard disc.

I think gaming with real world benefits would definatly help improve my motivation to contribute to the world, I'm not like other hackers who just get up and devote their life to the world, my willpower is no where near high enough :3

so yeah, sounds good to me!
Last edited by Gorman; Apr 15, 2010 at 01:57 AM.
100% agree with you bro.
I haven't watched the video yet because i'm in the middle of class

Gaming is basically the only thing I do now that or something game related like modding a texture or planning events. I guess that's the reason I enjoy open games like Fallout 3 and other MMOs. When your in this other world, It's really you (and maybe a few friends) against the world. Sure, you could say that about real life but it's really not you versus the world, you have no chance against the real world. Knowing that the real world is big, powerful and scary makes MMOs so refreshing. It's knowing that the more motivation you put into it, the bigger reward you'll get and the better chance you have to take on the world.

The other part of me is saying, "Well, that's true for the real world too"
And the other part of me would be right, If you want to think about it with programming as an example, You level up your programming skill and you put it to use in real life. Then again, you don't really know if that's going to help you in the real world. The real world could just say, "Nope" and that's done while the gaming world can't say no to that because you could easily pick up something else.

I guess (tl;dr), The reason people are more motivated online is because it's not as unsure as the real world.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
lrn2black hat

Obviously, it's going to be employed first as a marketing machine. No one really cares about saving the world. They just want to make money. If they can happen to get some eco-clout along with it, great.

Also, how would a system keep track of more things you do? It gets very Big Brother. As long as people get to opt out and aren't automatically enrolled, it'll be fine. That is probably the #1 issue people have against Apple, and hence jailbreaking.
I agree with you Gorman, practically the real worlds lacks the "epic win". Even some kind of achievement system would make my life cooler and more fun.

Eh. This video made me a bit sad. Current world is a bit too boring and un - motivational.
Centuries Of Damn
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
Obviously, it's going to be employed first as a marketing machine

except that it was already employed first to save the world and not as a marketing machine :L
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
I agree with you Gorman, practically the real worlds lacks the "epic win". Even some kind of achievement system would make my life cooler and more fun.

jesus christ i just lost my remaining faith in the human race.

Seriously, people whining about how unmotivated they are and how hard it is for them to get out of bed in the morning makes me cringe. You know how to get the most out of life? actually get off your arses and do stuff.. playing games at home, wanking and watching anime all day is not 'stuff'.

Life can be great if you actually make opportunities for yourself. It's got some ups and downs, but anyone who would prefer it to be similar to a videogame needs some serious mental help.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
except that it was already employed first to save the world and not as a marketing machine :L

You so are innocent my son ,The power within a human lies within motivating himself to do stuff he doesn't like,this doesn't need a reward,he is doing it to reach a certain objective,also I bet our generation would accept such idea so easily too.
Can that certain objective be self motivating and upgrading?
Sorry but that girl is nothing but a stupid nerd hoe in my eyes.