Original Post
Plz update about the clanvid here
Its been a long ass yime and i reackon it should be done now.
I would rly want to now whats going on and if its gona happen.
I sent tyme a message on Facebook.
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
That was the point of the siggied replays :P
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
I just finished siggying them all. I didn't have a lot of oppurtunuity to check them recently, and the pile of rpls GREW AND GREW. But I just finished it now, so you're good!
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
Tyme is working on it now. He is almost done. The song choice is Heavy Weight~ Infected Mushroom.
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures