Original Post
[wip]Robotic head
working on something new didn't took me too long so im getting faster.
But i have a small problem will describe it on the bottom after previews

And a spinny

Ok so basicly you guys +reped me alot so that means my textures are pretty nice.
My problem is that i can't sell them beeing a newbie nobody knows me so they kinda avoid my auctions and sales.
What should i do to sell em?
stalk the request board and get your rep up
perform services to the community and it will earn you respect in the market
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
lol nice, its like a chubby robot. I love it.

I'd suggest whoring yourself around the artntextures aswell, become friendly with someone popular shop and they may say they like your stuff back and when people hear that they may have alook over aswell.
Other than that, find lots of ways to legitimately bump it lol. But your stuff is good so it'l happen soon enuf. :P

Stick your advertised shop/auction thing in your sig too.
Last edited by KungFuJC; May 24, 2010 at 11:15 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
On this head: Like JC said, chubby robot is coo'. But gradient is too gradient. It wouldn't bother me if it was curved or something other than a straight line.

But on your other problem: Make a free shop.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
Make a free shop.

Uhuum....You'd wish
as for the gradient its np that is just temporary as in the next edit that i curently have i changed it...
Don't do a free shop, cuz that just sets off my noob radar.

Just make a shop, stick to it. Don't go changing shops every few months. Eventually, you'll have the largest shop (perhaps not the cleanest) in all of Toridom.

Shade like it's porn, doesn't have to be totally accurate, just make it look nice and shiney and people will come. Like, don't hold back on your highlights and shadows. Hell, even give some parts a chrome look. What I do to simulate chrome is to use the gloss look up to a certain point in metal, just make one part light, then immediate go to darker. So it creates like a terraced effect. And on the sides, keep it bright. Works best with bands of metal. This is like the reflections you see in chromed out stuff, where objects get distorted and in effect, darken lines in the chrome.

Use less of the pillow shading you have at those top 2 panels. Not much actually would look like that. At the very least, you'd have two highlights running from corners to the interior corner of the "pillow" part.
Oshit, those are eyes, nvm.

I think gloss works well with large flat panels. You almost have it going on already on the side ones. Just dodge the top half. And do light burn on the bottom where it meets the bottom of the glossed area. If you really wanna make it look shiny, you can overdodge certain ridges for a bloom effect, that's what I did to some of the ridges in that last head.

Um don't be afraid to play with more complex unconventional shapes. Then try to make the most interesting way to shade them. That's what I did with the front of my last with the brows and that black area around the face. It looks a bit fresher IMO than just more triangles and square panels. Of course, I switched back to less organic shapes in the back for ease of shading. But doing the front was really fun, the shapes let me experiment a bit more.

Maybe make a more personal avatar? Stick with a certain theme? Maybe make it yourself.

Um, definitely link your shop in your sig. And hell, if you get toriprime, abuse that sig space with nice pictures of your best heads/set XD

You could post around arts and texture boards more, take up request and try really hard to do win each time. This would make you a more familiar presence. Plus you'd get your postcount up, which would 1) promote your sig link more and 2) make you look more trustworthy (maybe, for some people, perhaps).

You could give good criticism in the art boards, and of course learn from other's textures.

When you notice yourself getting faster, then maybe go up to the next res? It doesn't look like 512x512, might be wrong since my phone has different levels of zoom and I dunno what % it's at right now. Or do one more pass through your heads when you are done, you'll probably catch some unsmooth parts, maybe places that could be more matching with others, add more color, stuff like that.

You have good textures, so you probably shouldn't have to try so hard. Just stick to a shop, post in the art textures threads more, and keep doing the best you can. Yeah


Hm, I'm hungry now.

Edit: holy fuck, I got carried away..... Um..... Yeah I had just woken from a nap and stuff....
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Essay-sized C&C is essay-sized. :P

Make highlights and shadows overdramatic. If it's really dark, make it darker. If it's really light, make it lighter.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
Essay-sized C&C is essay-sized. :P

i have taught him well.

but he makes a good point. associate yourself with a style. do some requests. and eventually you get to where alpha is now.
when it comes to tribal/anime/whatever, they go to him because he's good at it.
Last edited by BenDover; May 25, 2010 at 12:32 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
First off, the head's looking good so far Ghitta. I like those bumper-like sides, those I don't see to often except on some of Vermine's Textures. Shading is quite nice too.

Also... Aside from most of what has already been said. I find that previews are essential for good marketing. For instance, you can imagine the difference in comparing one of {Avwave's} or {hanz0's} texture sets previews to a simple unedited screenshot attached in a post. Giving thought into how you present your work extremely necessary, and shows to your customers that your actually care about your product. Heck, I can remember when I saw Galard's first set (The orange and black one, at least I believe it was his first). It had poses, different resolutions, and even a logo. I was very impressed.

So then, I'd suggest finding your own way of giving a nice preview for your textures. Personally, for Headtextures I like using a straight sphere map without any lighting, after that I usually give those spheres a slight outline to make them look nice on the forums.

Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
Don't do a free shop, cuz that just sets off my noob radar.

*JinxZ hides from radar.

But yea, don't do the free shop; they're good for practice, but not for everything.
Last edited by JinxZ; May 25, 2010 at 07:54 AM.

i still need more practice at texturing as for the previews i'll work on them some more as i don't have shaders.
Cant read all your comments as im late for school.
take this progress and comment it