Original Post
custom shaders!
Hello all,

Hyperviper and i are opening up a custom shader shop, we will be posting up some examples of our work in a little bit.

here are the price ranges,

200tc = very easy
300tc = medium

400tc = hard..

Ok, here is how you must request your shaders..If they are not in this format, Neither of us will make the shader..

sky color:
floor color:
sun: "yes or no"
reflection color: (optional)

NOTE: the floors will not be completely one color if we add a reflection color, it will be a mix of the sky color and floor color....

any questions.. or if anything doesn't make sense. Post here..

When a shader is ordered and is made by either of us send half the money to each of us..

ex order of a hard shader 200 to hyperviper, 200 to me.

WE will be determining if the shader is hard, medium or easy. And we will not cheat you of tc.

Ex. of our work...




http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/460...5153650st2.png <mine

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/843...4174915za8.png <mine

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6...4212530em8.png <mine

http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/1...3195802uc3.png <mine

http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/8...3205202jp8.png <mine

http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q...7-21-03-54.png <hypervipers

NEW RULE: answer if you want it for only yourself, or if you don't care if it is released into the public...

Last edited by Pirate_old; Dec 16, 2007 at 05:54 AM.
Can you make a shader with soft shadows thats got a completely white background and floor, so i can use it for getting pictures of my Tori, i cba to make it myself. (i dont care about reflections i can turn them off)

sky color: white
floor color: white
sun: no
reflection color: white
Last edited by Blam; Dec 15, 2007 at 09:00 PM.
sky color: blue
floor color: golden/orange/yellow (something like that ^.^) and kinda purple around the sun
liek tis ones
http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/1...3195802uc3.png <- sky
http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6863/screenshot24212530em8.png<- floor
sun: "yes or no": yesh
reflection color: (optional). same color as floor just darker.

Well juo, i'm almost done.. but i did something interesting to the sun... i put negative numbers on sun color and look what it did...



Juo, did you want this...?

just make me 15 smexy shaders, colours, none specific, just make it look good. I am offering about 3-8k depending on quality.

These are for a video, so don't worry about how playable the game is with the shaders on. Just make them SMEXAY!

Nice shop btw.