Original Post
PntDexter's homework assignments
This is pnt's homework assignments. here i will give you guys a homework assignments for the week. the homework will be some mods that are almost never used.

This first has to be approved by both ldrs first.

~Go Ahead Says a Humble'd Matt21211
~What she said affei
Last edited by affei; May 29, 2010 at 12:03 AM.

Aww cmon. Not again with the homework. I am bored so I guess I will do.
I'm back :)
its not home work. its having fun with new mods. and i will grade and depending on grade you will win tc. i will make a room at the end of the weelk to grade everybody. if matt and affei approve.

but i guess it is considered homework so yeah . this will be a fun and difficult event.

Pntdexter dont forget if you "give away" tc for winning you should better have the tc or you will know my Strict site.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]