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Inspire me.
Well recently ive started my 6th year at school and whilst being denied a chance at Advanced Higher Art. Ive taken up something that will help me more so. Throught this year im going ot be prepairing an Architecture port folio for when i apply for University. And all i want you guys to do is post some examples of very impressive structures, still lives, sculptures and engineering miracles from which i can sketch out my inspired ideas and possible create them into something beautiful for my final folio.

This may looks like im to lazy to do it on my own but i've already studyed the net to death and found several excellent examples of work and was wishing more search power.

If your posting, post either a link or an image of what youve found, a brief description and the Developers name. Thanks for your time your helping me out (:
im doing architecture atm, so i suppose i can help.

research up 2 point persepective and do a 2 point of a basic house from eye level. perspective drawing is fun and quite relevant

read up on typical ancient architecture, roman or greek or whatever. do a drawing of something relatively well known to that period and then label it with the architectural features of that period/style.(should be PLENTY of books in your local library, a book dedicated to what youre researching is better than a website full of shit)

find an interesting house from around you, and draw it(final draft in pen)

and draw and dimension your house.

real life drawings are always good, as in, go out and draw a building as you see it, not drawing from a picture at home.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Thanks ben, thats helped. Ive been around glasgow, taking pictures of buildings i find interresting. As for 2 point persepctive ive been doing it for 3 years or so through graphics class at my school so im pretty comfortable with that. Strange your suggesting ancitent cultures since ancient greek architectures truely dazzles me. For my self im wishing to create some sort of combination between ancient and modern. Where are you studying architecture man?
studied at the local CPUT in south africa. not the greatest of universities, but my marks werent what UCT wanted.
working at a small firm this year, mainly doing residential stuff restricted to Estate guidelines, which tell you what you can and cannot do in terms of design, so theres not too much room for creativity unfortunatly.

if u want creativity, you ahve to wait for 2nd/third year studies
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-

That's the Ohio State University football stadium. That plus the Roman coliseum would be the coolest fusion of design and practicality ever.
back from the dead
Thanks oyster i'll look into somethingss (: Ben nice man, unlukcy about the marks, im actually loooking into a 7year coarse for architecture then hopefully getting a degree in Masters at Glasgow art school. Just waiting on my results from exams over the summer. Think i've done decent enought to gain entrance, and im just hoping my art skills are up to standard.
Dirtnapp, might I suggest a summer vacation to Las Vegas?

Seriously though, been there many times and it probably holds the best architecture I've ever seen in my life. I'll post some pictures soon.

Thanks jinx that'd be very helpful (: Im planning on visiting Italy some time soon hopefully find some good architecture.