Original Post
Filling out stuff = 500TC-1K
You wanna earn 500TC-1K TC just by filling out a few questions?
If so here is what you do.

Since I have some TC. I would like to help give it to the public. So I had an idea that people deserve TC by just answering questions. Unlike the TC surveys in the ToriShop, you don't have to give an email address, a street address, and other personal stuff.

So anyways here are the rules:
No dumbass answers
You must have at least 100 posts (to prevent from alt accounts)
You must fill out every question that is given
You must use English and good grammar. (This helps depends on how much TC you get)
You can only answer the questions once. So make sure to make it perfect.

About the questions:
There will be new questions every week or so, if i can find new questions, so you'll be able to get alot of TC. Also remember there might be other people in front of you so be patience and wait until you get your TC. I'm the only one who's gonna be giving the TC and reading them. Also subscribe to this thread so you can know when there's new questions or not

Ok onto the questions for this week:

* What is you accounts ID? (To figure out just click on your name and it should say after ''http://forum.toribash.com/member.php?u=[ID]''
*Your rank? :
*Your Username? :
What type of computer do you have?
Which one do you like better? A desktop or laptop?
What is your favorite time of the day?
What type of sports do you do?
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
If you could have anything in the world. What would it be?

* Questions with a '*' are the questions that will be in every weeks questions

So there it is. I know they might seem a bit personal but it's ok. Also if i forget to give you TC it either might be i ran out of TC or I forgot to read yours.


OK happy filling...out...stuff.. i guess XD GL

Last edited by Ginkey; Jul 3, 2010 at 12:54 AM.
* What is you accounts ID?352140
*Your rank? :Brown Belt
*Your Username? :CorkedA
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays?Dancing
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? Toribash
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? Dog
What is your favorite color?Red
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet?Keep quiet
What do you spend most of your free time doing?on the computer
Does the color purple intrigue you?only if its purple sthuff
Favorite Cereal?Lucky CHarms(there tragiccly delicious)
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB:I joined Essence and became part of the community
Last edited by CorkedA; Jun 21, 2010 at 07:06 AM.
Youve got issues, ive got issues, youve got a girlfriend, ive got a girlfriend, my girlfriend beats meee.
* What is you accounts ID? (To figure out just click on your name and it should say after ''http://forum.toribash.com/member.php?u=[ID]'': 698682
*Your rank? :23382
*Your Username? :Shadey
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays? Dismembers
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? Science and history
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? Do i name all of them if so 3 cats 2 dogs 2 goldifsh 1 frog 2 rats and once a bird that was hurt in the wild
What is your favorite color? Blue
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet? talk
What do you spend most of your free time doing? Games
Does the color purple intrigue you? Yes it can be girly or evil when macthed with other color
Favorite Cereal? lucky charms
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc) (this also helps you get more TC) Well i became a wibbles fag in 1 day and noone cared about me anymore so.... im also over watch of [D] cause i met king 1 day and became his freinds rly quick.
*Your UserID? : 647807
*Your rank? : 3647 Black Belt
*Your Username? : Infern0o
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays? : A Decap
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? : Gaming or Current Events
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? : Dog
What is your favorite color? : Red
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet? : Depends on the situation
What do you spend most of your free time doing? : Gaming, Hanging out
Does the color purple intrigue you? : It could if I stared at it
Favorite Cereal? : Rice Crispies
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB : Made a whole bunch of cool friends, like Siimplee. Joined Fish but that didn't work out. Then joined TPC and now am a part of that clan.
Great idea, I'll try this.

* What is you accounts ID?
*Your rank? :
1591 ( lel )
*Your Username? :
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays?
Flow, flow is what makes a replay enjoyable.
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject?
Science discussion. If it's politics, I generally stop reading after a while. A discussion is interesting if the subject is in-depth, and the people discussing it put effort in their answers. And if they take the time to actually read the damn thread.
What type of pet do you have or wish to have?
I don't have pets, but I like big dogs, but also birds and cats. Birds because they're cute and generally awesome, cats because they are cute and do really funny stuff from time to time and big dogs because most of them are beautiful and pretty hug-able.
What is your favorite color?
Red, even though green is high on my list too.
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet?
A bit inbetween, I try to shut up when I don't know much about the subject, but sometimes I got to force myself to talk to somebody.
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
Toribash and other games, or hanging around with a friend of mine, just relaxing, gaming etc.
Does the color purple intrigue you?
Nope, pretty neutral about purple here.
Favorite Cereal?
Corn Flakes, but I don't really like any kind of cereal.
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc) (this also helps you get more TC):
My time on Toribash has been quite enjoyable so far. I am in Sigma, which is a very warm and friendly clan. Here is where I met most of my friends. At first I hardly had friends on Toribash, i found that the idea of having internet friends was just a bit silly. The community was pretty nice, but for me it was more of a showcase for my replays. Then I started joining orgs and it became way more fun. I only been in two clans: Acid, but it died, and Sigma. I am in numerous orgs: T3AL, OSHI, ORMO, BISH, Bro, RAFE, and some more. My hopes for the near future are: Winning the ORMO cup ( not going to happen), having a good time Toribashing, and getting a certain ex-member of a certain clan back in that clan. ;)

Wow, I had more to tell than I thought I would have.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
* What is you accounts ID? :
*Your rank? :
Rank 5
*Your Username? :
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays?
Realism and speed. Two things I think are hard to combine but can achieve a worthy outcome.
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject?
Gaming & Musical Discussions. I'm suddenly forced to say stuff about a certain discussion when people talking about it think alike with me.
What type of pet do you have or wish to have?
Three dogs. Supposed to be four, but the other one died.
What is your favorite color?
Green. My former was red, but have a weird feeling of having black to be my favorite as well.
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet?
I talk at a certain timing when I think is right, for there are certain times whenever people don't care what I think.
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
Chatting with friends in Facebook, making some replays/sparring in Toribash, browse the internet for something interesting, or sometimes just sleep.
Does the color purple intrigue you?
Purple alone doesn't, unless with the combined forces of black, white, and purple itself.
Favorite Cereal?
It may sound new to you, but KoKo Krunch.
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc) (this also helps you get more TC)
Playing Toribash and joining its community is something I will never regret, ever. It'd been hard when playing at first, but got used to it and got a lot better. One of my first friends were my friends/classmates IRL. At the time I joined HoLy, OSHI, and Green, I got numerous of friends, most of which are from HoLy and one of the members from Piratez (GrayveXP, for instance). My goals so far yet to be achieved are having much more friends, be known by the community, be a realistic replay maker and sparrer, get to join much more ORGs, and most of all making more friends. As of now, I am currently living a good life being the current leader of HoLy after the resignation of the former one and am gaining a friendship with the Piratez' current leader, GrayveXP.

Excellent idea for an event. It's something a ToriShop survey alone can't even achieve.
GMT +8:00
What is you accounts ID?
*Your rank? :
Rank 945
*Your Username? :
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays?
Unique moves,velocity,enthusiasm and a nice ending pose
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject?
Games and sports.If you start talking about a sport I wonīt stop disscusing about it until someone changes the subject and about games...I just love them
What type of pet do you have or wish to have?
I wish to have a parrot because i really love parrots
What is your favorite color?
For the moment i like blue,red and black,but I kinda like them all.
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet?
It depends if the people wanna talk or not.
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
Play games like toribash,extell,etc...chatting on internet,go to the cinema or in the park.
Does the color purple intrigue you?
A little,donīt ask.
Favorite Cereal?
Nesquik :P
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB
When I started i could do only noob grab but in time i got better and better and I thought i should join a clan so I joined Guardians,an awesome clan that will be official very soon.After some days i met some guys like Vanpr,TheDarth8,Alin34 and many more that now are my friends
message originally posted by GOD
* What is you accounts ID? 614608
*Your rank?
:881 brown belt
*Your Username?
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays?
Smooth moves and an nice ending pose
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject?
What type of pet do you have or wish to have?
a dog(golden retriever)
What is your favorite color?
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet?
mostly keeping quiet
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
gaming or going out
Does the color purple intrigue you?
No, not rly
Favorite Cereal?
I mostly ever eat is so none
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB

So ive have have been playing toribash for a while now its fun once you get the hang of it ive been banned with my main for texture stealing(accident)

so ive started to play with this one and stayed on it only thing i now not to do is go in game suggestion quase people apperantly hate me if i say somthing
re-entering the torbash comunity