Make the splats and the green shape thing layers less opacity or just overlay and duplicate the layer. It'll look so much better. Like it'll take the texture of the wall if you know what I mean.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
yea wanna goon go for that but i wanted it to be like grafitti and not opace. Thanks man.
if you told that to any teacher, their first question would be "why?"

so seeing as im a teacher there, il ask it.

why do you want the grafitti to stand out, when the person is the focal point?
i know its not relevent to the tutorial, but the question still remains.
Last edited by BenDover; Jun 27, 2010 at 08:12 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Well really just to add a little more, the reason the dancer is at the front is to bring him out and make him the focal. Yea the grafitti style is bold but it doesnt completely steal your view. As a whole the link between a street dancer and the grafitti street setting is what i was looking to achieve. I hope thats answered enough.
Actually the graffiti was distracting for me. Cuz it really is just in your face. Since it is totally solid, it doesn't look like graffiti either, more like floating designs.

IRL, graffiti would still reflect the texture of the wall that it's on, so do it here too!

Unless you already merged the layers or something :>
I like the rest though. Like the thing you did to where the toe touches the ground.
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Thanks jak ye ive still got the psd but im not planning on doing anything else with it atm. I may redo it some time who knowssss (:
Just set the eraser to 50% and size 9001 and go over the layer with the decals
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Incognito - [o]