Original Post
Finally! RuTeam is produly announcing that Great Finals will start after all the events will be done.

The mod we picked for this grand event is NINJUTSU.TBM. Yes! This is the mod where I first tried -22 gravity, and This is, no doubt, on of the most skilled MP mods in Toribash.

We made a Bracket of people who won 1st or 2nd places during Heavy Burden events. You will have to meet each other and play duel untill somebody gets 3 wins (3-2, 3-1, 3-0). Then, post all your replays here. Just a result won't be accepted.

Oh, and the prize is Void Force!!!
Чего тут непонятного, обычная олимпийская сетка, к которую вписаны все победители.
А что решать, есть финалисты, разослал им ПМ, они подуэлились, отпостили результы и репы, определился победитель, отослал приз...