Original Post
Sonic Colors Review
This is my review of the game


The diabolical Dr. Eggman has hatched another plan for world domination! He has built an amazing interstellar amusement park, floating in space around Sonic's home planet, bursting with incredible rides and attractions. However, all is not as it seems as Dr. Eggman has abducted an alien race called Wisps and is harnessing their colorful energy to fuel a sinister plot. from gamestop

Short Review
We all know that Sonic has had it ruff this past 10 years but it seems is starting to get its streak back since Sonic's Last release "Sonic All Star Racing" and the current release "Sonic Colors" are actually quite entertaining games. Ill be honest I though this game would be another Sonic suckish game but when I tried the game it was fun and playable, it followed a new style of Sonic gaming incorporating both platform and normal camera style of play. I must say the graphics are amazing of course talking about a Wii game point of view but still I consider it being to the level as Super Mario Galaxy Graphics, the music is great best I have heard from a Sonic game in a while. One thing I really like about this game is all of the transformations you acquire from this Aliens beings, because when you acquire this powers it opens new pathways in past levels which make this game have more replay value. The main problem would have to be some game stages that are quite annoyingly difficult and leave you stuck in that stage for a while but other than that i believe that this Sonic is at least a rentable game if you don't care about the Sonic games but is must for fans.

Ill give it 8.6/10

I'm the Leader of [Opt]Optimum, if you wanna join... then apply already!! smh
I haven't seen a good Sonic game since Sonic Adventures 2.

I hope this one is be as good, or better. Which will result in my buying it.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Originally Posted by Tapion View Post
I haven't seen a good Sonic game since Sonic Adventures 2.

I hope this one is be as good, or better. Which will result in my buying it.

Best game ever.

Sonic, well it gets old.
On my personal opinion,from the commercials, it's just kirby(different powers) on speed.

Which actually sounds pretty awesome.I think I might try it, even thought I don't enjoy sonic so much(nintendo fan here).
yea i like sonic games...
like it when u start flowing and go really fast over a long distance, jumping and passing through obstacles in almost cinemax fashion
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard