Original Post
[HoSh] HolyS***

Welcome to [HoSh]'s Thread

Please, Don't double post, or disrespect anyone in this thread - Lets keep this thread clean and easy to understand.
Everyone is allowed to post here, comment, and help us (but dont act like an idiot and come here just to say that everything is sh**). If there is anything wrong contact us.
Everyone is allowed to donate to our Organization Bank - HOSHBANK
If you have any doubt, post, and explain us whats the problem, but try to be most especific as possible.

[ ] Be an epic Organization.
[ ] Become Official.
[X] Prepare the Organization Video.
[ ] Post Organization Video.
[X]Create Organization Simbol.
[ ] Have 5 Members.
[ ] Have 10 Members.
[ ] Have 50.000 ToriCredits on Org bank.

This Organization has been created to everyone that really deserve the [HoSh] sign. Anyone have chance to join. Don't think just because someone its white belt, this person will be auto rejected, same way that just because someone is God Belt (or whatever), this person will be auto acepted. We acept people, thinkin' about how they play, and not what they are.





Application form

Best/Worst Mod:
What you will bring to [HoSh]?:
Why do you want to join us?:
Replays ( at least 5):
Last edited by Rial; Dec 31, 2010 at 02:48 PM.
Belt:7th dan blackbelt
Favorite/Best Mod:judo aikido aikido bg sambo
What you will bring to [HoSh]?:skillz :P
Why do you want to join?:cool org and you rock akuma :P
GMT/Country/State:01:00 GMT Germany
5 replays:ill ad later or i rly need some?
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]
Name:hans11..in real life Hans
Belt:7th dan
Favorite/Best Mod:if i have to choose from wushu and tk, Taekkyon
What you will bring to [HoSh]?: i am very skilled and i am a good texture maker
Why do you want to join?:i feel i can bring a lot to this organization, such as help understanding and friendship.
GMT/Country/State:Berlin, Germany
5 replays: Im on my fail computer at the moment so il post them later
[fl0w][OoT][OLDA][Team Wushu]
cool ein deutscher :P
von mir aus ja
I would say Yes!
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]
hans i checked your replays, they are nice. but anyway you must be tested, just tell me when you are free and ill check it.
Name: Kingsta / Connor
Belt: 4th dan
Age: 17
Favorite/Best Mod: Mostly Aikido
What you will bring to [HoSh]?: Myself. A friendly face and someone to keep this org active
Why do you want to join?: I'd like to help this org get to the top.
GMT/Country/State: 0/England/Manchester
5 replays:
This ain't a clan?
But If you really want give me an hour of so.
no this aint a clan, but for who is in, we got the tag on forum (that you can post on your sig) we got 2 tags ingame like

okay Hans wann haste Zeit ich teste dich dann!
im mod aikido oder aikido bd mir egal
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okay hans ill test ya mod= aikido or aikido bd u choose :P
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Kingsta u must be tested too if you got time now /jo hoshtest
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]