Original Post
Movie/TV thread
title is pretty self explanatory. I dont think we have one of these. Why not eh? Anyways i love my horror movies. I haven't gotten scared by one in 7 years. Still looking for one. Also love action/comedy.
Last edited by Michstaa; Jan 7, 2011 at 05:29 AM.
Horror movies aren't scary. Try some ghost documentaries..

Also, we do have one of these, loje made it. Scroll back a couple of pages.
lets just keep this one.

The loosers is a good movie...

so is Bandit
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I think inception was great but a bit too... complicated.

it felt like you could not relax at all during the whole movie without loosing what it is all about.

Grease is also an awesome classic
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I know this thread is not about that, but by any chance, do you guys watch anime? If yes, then what kind of anime?
Also posting at 4.00 at night! I'm badass!
"Your ad could be here"
Pandora is my destiny!
do you mean 4am? also i watch: Bleach,Naruto,Naruto:Shippuden and I watched every episode of devil may cry.
Bleach is nice and I'm a fan, as shown by my Byakuya head texture.
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