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The moon; a hollow space station?
Interesting little theory i saw on 'History'. I find it possible, after all, there supposedly are bottomless craters in it.

Have you ever seen a spaceship when you were out for an evening stroll? You may think not, but you may be wrong.
It's just possible that the moon is a spaceship. Don Wilson, author of the best-selling book, Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon, thinks so, and so do some scientists in the Soviet Union.

Two members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences have recently come up with the theory that the moon is a huge, hollowed-out planetoid that was sent into orbit around our world billions of years ago. They believe that the moon was hollowed out artificially, which means that it was done by some intelligence.

Another Russian scientist, who has studied the moons of Mars, thinks that they, too, are hollow, and that they might be space stations. It seems that the Soviets came to this startling conclusion because the dark part of the moons, which we can't see from earth, is filled with oceans of metallic rock. This hard metal is corrosion-resistant titanium, and we use it in the manufacture of supersonic jets and spacecraft here on earth.

Several American studies tend to agree with the Russian theory that the moon is hollow and that it became so by active interference on the part of some unknown aliens. Unusual activity has been noted on the moon for at least 100 years. NASA admitted recently that a mysterious force on the moon had caused a remote-controlled scientific station set up by astronauts to behave in an unexpected manner.

When NASA crashed the lunar landing craft after the astronauts had returned to their modules, the moon rang like a gong for hours. The speed of the tremors changed after passing through the outer layers of rock, and began to accelerate until it reached six miles per second -- which is the speed of sound traveling through metal.

So it sounds as if the Russians are on to something. But who hollowed out the moon, and why, will have to remain a part of ... the unexplained.……

From "Eerie Cases that Baffle the Mind."



Soviet scientists have discovered non-corrodible iron on the surface of the moon and have produced the same kind of iron in experiments on Earth, according to Tass.
Valerie Barsukov, director of the Soviet Institute of Cheochemistry and Analytical Chemistry was quoted as saying that the nonoxidizing iron was produced by highly charged particles in the Solar wind, that sweeps the Moon's surface. The particles removed oxygen from the iron, forming pure metal, he said.


I find it slightly ridiculous but definetly plausible and a worthy discussion stimulant.